hit and run

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hit and run:

The first time Namjoon saw that boy on the wall was the same day he had gotten badly beaten up by another group of boys at school.

His left cheek was swollen and a black bruise was blooming on his jaw, he was pretty sure he looked like shit and he felt it too.

They had thrown a few kicks somewhere on his ribcage and stomach and they were starting to ache. But, it wasn't anything bad; he had suffered worse after all.

That day it was a Friday, he had left school a bit later than usual. Wanting to hide away from Hoseok's concerned face and Jackson's fists because he was going to beat up those assholes.

There was nothing more in this world that Namjoon hated than worrying his friends because he was too pathetic to stand up to his bullies.

Besides, it was Friday, the day where they go out and sabotage a bunch of idiots by pretending to crash against their car and having them pay for it because it was the easy way out.

Namjoon honestly hated it; he didn't see what was so fun or exciting about ripping off people who meant no harm to anyone.

But, he would join every Friday with Jackson and Hoseok, jumping into Hoseok's old and hand me down car.

The music blasting at full force that it had Namjoon's teeth vibrating and the other two idiots hollering and singing along to the lyrics.

Namjoon would be sitting at the back, Hoseok on the driver's seat and Jackson on the passenger one. Windows rolled down to let the fall air of Seoul enter and cool the heat inside.

And then they would start, Hoseok smirking and nodding over at Jackson who would look at their next victim and decide whether they were dumb enough to pay.

They usually were no one wanted the police involved in anything, too hurried to get along with wherever it was they wanted to go.

Jackson would turn back and give Hoseok a thumbs up, letting him know that this was their play toy for the evening.

Hoseok made quick work of it, "Ya'll ready?" His voice getting lost in the loud bass of the song and Namjoon would sigh before getting ready to do the same thing he's been doing for the past two years.

They stop at a traffic light and that's when Hoseok would do it, guns it and pulls up right in front of whoever they were tricking today.

There is a screeching sound, but Namjoon wouldn't be able to hear it with how loud the music is roaring, but he knows it because the car rocks to a harsh stop.

This is when they start their acting, with Hoseok turning the music down and looking around in fake confusion, Jackson sweating and palming at his heart and Namjoon would just pull his seatbelt over his chest tightly.

The person would get out the car, nervous and Namjoon would pity them, they're just too nice people if they let themselves get tricked by teenagers with a shitty car.

The vandalizing was quick, the person would stutter over their words, Hoseok would tell them that they needed to pay after Jackson would inspect and Namjoon would just look like he was about to have a heart attack and make the person feel guilty.

In no time they would have their money and then Hoseok would flip the person off, laughing loudly with Jackson as they would race off and hide from the view.

Namjoon, from the rearview mirror, would always catch a glimpse of the person screaming at them as they realized they had just gotten tricked by teenagers.

Namjoon hates it, but he goes along with it. Maybe it's because he feels a bit more cool, more in control. Like he can manipulate anyone he wants and doesn't cower in fear. He feels tough, like he can fight back the bastards who always beat him up.

Perhaps that's why Namjoon goes along, does this routine with his two best friends and buy take out from a Chinese restaurant and drink beer from the old dude who's pretty chill and lets them buy it.

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