ghost in the hallways

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ghost in the hallways:

"Finally! I am free! Fuck you, school!"

Namjoon groans loudly when he hears Jackson run out of his last class of the day and flip everyone off, cursing his way through the crowd and wanting nothing more than to leave this shit hole.

Hoseok chuckles and throws his backpack over his shoulder, turning to face Namjoon and shake his head.

Namjoon silently agrees with him and he opens his mouth to say so when Hoseok's face goes blank and his eyes turn downwards.

Namjoon looks over his shoulder and sees Kim Taehyung walking with the crowd of populars.

He's staring his way, his eyes only on Hoseok who is speed walking his way through the loud throng of students.

Namjoon frowns and purses his lips, putting one and one together and narrowing his eyes at Taehyung when the guy passes by him, his shoulder roughly pushing Namjoon to the wall. Namjoon glares at the back of his head, huffing and fixing his backpack.

He decides to go the other way, towards the back of school. Namjoon was once afraid of walking down those halls, but since the bullies seem to tremble in fear whenever they see him, he doesn't find anything threatening about nonchalantly making his way out.

He's glad that school is over and he can take a two week break from all the homework and the pressure of teachers wanting them to apply to a bunch of universities that Namjoon could care less for.

This part of school Namjoon walks by is empty save for a few custodians who clean up the mess that students leave behind.

There is nothing eerie about it and Namjoon takes full advantage of walking confidently through the hallways and not trekking carefully and always looking over his shoulder like before.

There's a sense of freedom that comes along with this and he wonders what happened afterwards on that day he was beaten and why those guys are always running away from him. Especially the leader, all he does is look down and avoids talking to anyone.

As he walks outside to the chilly air of mid-December cigarette boy starts to wander inside of his head.

Namjoon has asked everyone he knows if they know who he is but most of them just look at him in a confused frown and tell him they don't know who this Yoongi is.

He's even tried looking for the lanky freshman that always hangs out with cigarette boy and starts the teasing, but all of the actors have disappeared too.

And now it's the last day of school and he won't be seeing stage boy till next year so Namjoon walks out of the school building thinking of when he'll see him again.

He wonders if he's a freak for having a crush on a boy he's never talked to.

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