"Im Kay Keller, and this is Noah Stone, my boyfriend." She gets a lovey glint in her eye and looks up to peck him on the lips and then pulls away from him to run outside the door. Seconds later she is pulling in a suitcase while Im shaking Noah's hand. Hes off limits. As soon as warmth appears in my stomach, I shove it down. I know my brain is just looking for something to get over Cayde. 

"Alright babe, time to get out. Im meeting my new roomie." Kay places her hands on Noah's stomach and starts to push him out of the room. He looks sad to leave and then pouts as she closes the door on his face. Once she is dont with that, Kay turns around and grins at me.

Then jumps over to me. Jumps. I didnt know that five year olds could take over bodies now. 

"Anyway, Ive been needed a best friend lately. A girl. My old bestie left with the "love of her life" and forgot all about me," for the first time since Ive met her, Kay gets a glint in her eye representing sadness. I chew on my lip and tilt my head as I light up. We can be depressing together.

"Yeah, same. I told my old best friend I loved him and he left and hasnt talked to me since."

Kay looks up and smiles at me. I smile back. Normally Im an introvert, so this is odd for me. Or maybe its a sign. A sign that Kay and I are assigned to be best friends in Gods book.

"That sucks. But eh. He probably doesn't deserve you." 

My heart skips a beat and I know immediately that Kay is probably one of the best roomies ever. 

Hours later, Kay and I are still talking about our life stories and how she met Noah. I tell her that I met Cayde in the boys bathroom when I accidently walked into it. He helped me get out unnoticed and was just so helpful to me. We clicked then. 

Kay said she met Noah by hitting him in the balls behind this ice cream shop, then punched his jaw a little later. I burst out laughing. I thought I met Cayde weird. Apparently not.

Kay and I complete our room, the area all cozy. A warm lamp is sitting on the dresser, and photos of my dad, Cayde (even though I don't want to, I think I need to) hang on my wall. A photo of me as a baby sits on my mirror. I have a daisy flower crown and my fingers are placed under my chubby chin. Christmas lights that Kay brought gives the room a warm glow, and the lone window in the corner has the sunlight of the sunset in our window.

When we finished, we stepped back with our arms crossed and nodded at each other with completion on our minds. We were proud of what he had done. 

"Wow." Kay looks around with a small smile as she takes in the place. Sometime today, she changed into sweats and a baggy sweatshirt that said "Stone" on the back. I grabbed a jacket of my own with my home town scrawled on it, and my name on the back. Downey. 

"I know. I love it."

"Me too. But..." Kay trails off as she narrows her eyes then grins. "Its missing something, and I know what. Good thing I brought this." 

With a flash of blinding light, a sound fills my ears and before I can even realize what happened, Kay is shoving a photo in my face.

"How cute is this?" I look at the photo that just printed from her camera and grin at her. My eyes are bright with awareness, but Im smiling at the camera. Kay has her arm around my shoulder, and her eyes are wide as she grins at the camera with dimples and all. 

"I love it!" I gasp and run my hands over the smooth lines of it. Its such an adorable photo. 

Kay swipes it out of my hands and then slaps it onto the wall, getting a piece of sticky double sided tape. Its right in the middle of our sides, and is the probably the first thing you see when you walk in.

Kay giggles and then plops down on her bed with her face all smiley. I still cant get over the fact how well Kay and I bonded. It also helps she is an extrovert, unlike me. 

I sit on my bed as well, pulling my laptop over and start to type out an email to my dad since he doesn't have a phone. He doesn't want one. I tell him that college is so far so good, and that I love my roommate. His reply is immediate.

That great pumpkin. Whats she like? Whats her name?

Most of the time, my dad is working on his computer and always gets the notifications. Therefore immediate replies come from it. 

I reply to him, and just about hit send when Kay gasps. I look over, alarmed, and ask her whats wrong. She stands up and gathers her keys.

"Noah! He got in a fight." 

"What?" I ask, standing up and tossing my computer aside. I shut it quickly and pull my hair into a ponytail. If I remember right, Noah is her boyfriend.

"Hes always had anger issues. Im still trying to help him out. But apparently someone got into his face and he reacted badly."

"How do you know?" I ask, super curious and worried. Kay cares about this guy a lot. 

"Ill explain on the way. Come on, we have to get to central campus." 

Before I can even slide shoes on, or get on good pants, Im getting pulled away with Kay. The door slams shut behind me and I cant even get out a word of objection because Kay starts running down the hall in full speed. 


He Thinks Im Jealous I Book 2 (shorter)Where stories live. Discover now