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I didn't know how hard it was for you
I was a fool too

After the doctor finished talking to Mingyu, they managed to get in touch with Wonwoo's brother and got him to agree to let them meet.

Mingyu was to go to his house.

When he walked back out and saw Wonwoo leaning on Jeonghan with his eyes closed, his heart ached.

He knew Wonwoo must be tired.

He also knew he didn't want to let go of the boy.

But this needed to happen.

Besides, Wonwoo would probably be better off with his brother anyways.

So, Mingyu walked to where Jeonghan was sitting and picked the small boy up, holding him in his arms.

Funny that Wonwoo was older.

Mingyu asked Jeonghan if he could take them to the house and then Jeonghan was free to go.

Lucky for Mingyu, Jeonghan agreed.

When Jeonghan pulled up to the house, Mingyu's first thought was about how big the house was.

Sure, his house was a good size, but this was impressive.

All Mingyu knew was that Wonwoo's brother was around the age of 20 and had gotten a large amount of money from his parents.

Mingyu honestly hadn't bothered to remember his name.

When he opened the door of the car, he wanted to let Wonwoo go.

He figured it would probably be best if Wonwoo was walking.
It also might look weird if Mingyu just walked up holding him.

But that thought disappeared, very suddenly, when Wonwoo looked at Mingyu once again with those sad eyes.

He got out of the car, holding Wonwoo close to him.

Jeonghan had told him he would wait and give him a ride home.

Mingyu had said it was fine but Jeonghan insisted.

He turned back to look at Jeonghan who gave him a reassuring smile and began walking to the door of the home.

One he got there, he knocked a few times and waited.

While he waited, he set Wonwoo down, thinking again how it would look weird.

Once the door opened a young, slim looking man was revealed.

He was obviously well taken care of and looked nice.

He eyed Mingyu, raising a brow at him.

Mingyu managed his best smile and awkwardly greeted the man, thinking about how an awkward greeting like this had occurred when meeting Wonwoo.

"So I'm guessing this is Wonwoo?"

The boy asked, pointing at the dark haired boy standing beside Mingyu who was now staring at the ground.

Mingyu nodded.

"Sorry to say, whatever you name is, but I don't want him."

Mingyu was shocked at the word's that came out of the man's mouth.

"Take this and go."
The man handed Mingyu a suitcase and closed the door on him, rudely.

He looked over at Wonwoo who didn't seem to be too affected. He had only jumped when the door slammed.

He was wishing once again that Wonwoo didn't understand it as much.

He was wishing Wonwoo didn't care.

But he knew he was wrong when he saw a tear slide down Wonwoo's cheek.

He heard Wonwoo whisper.

Mingyu answered, taking Wonwoo's hand in his own.

"Why doesn't anybody want me?"

Wonwoo asked, looking into Mingyu's eyes.


i was gonna make this chapter short but it's chap 17 we gotta be extra

anywAYs i hope this chapter does get reads because idk what time people read books or if it's in your library butttttttt it's 11:40 rn

also i will be updating friday i think ye because i feel like it's finally getting kinda good?

and im doing this because i think im gonna go on a youth trip w/ my brother and cousin's and some friends this weekend sosoososososo 

i hope u enjoyed this ty for reading i hope you're good,,, message me anytime~

another thing im sorry my writing is trash lmAO what am i doing one sentence? two? spaces? no? words? ,,,,? okay?


[ ♦ ] 11:51 PM 
[ + ] Thursday, September 21, 2017
[ ♦ ] Best Of Me BTS

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