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I am my demon

Wonwoo had gotten the habit of lying in the trees and looking over the ground for signs of anything.

An animal, food to eat, a person.

He was surprised when very few of these things appeared.

He was almost completely alone.

He hadn't even seen a human once.

And here he was, alone again, sitting on the edge of the tree branch that was almost like a home, looking at the stars on his sixteenth birthday.

Of course, the boy had forgotten that it was his birthday.

He had lost count of the days he had been here.

He let out a small sigh and began to think about the same topic he has thought of for these two years.

It was pretty much the only thing he thought about when he wasn't focusing on his next meal or next place to hide when the sky decided to cry on him.

Why had he been left behind?

He could remember that day perfectly even after it had been so long.

"Mom? Why have we come here?" Wonwoo asked his crying mother as he looked out of the window of the stopped car.
Instead of his mother answering, he was ordered by his father to leave the car.
Not wanting to get in trouble, he opened the door and walked out, not realizing it would be one of the last times he saw his mother.
His father lead him into the forest walking deeper and deeper.
"Where are we going?" Wonwoo had asked, looking around.
His father didn't answer and instead put on an act.
"Oh! I forgot to get something from the car so we could play. I'll be right back with it," his father had said, showing a smile to the small boy.
Wonwoo had nodded and continued to look around not paying much attention to where his father went.

Wonwoo looked down at the ground again, letting warm tears roll down his face.

He remembered waiting for hours and the more he looked the more lost he got.

He wanted to believe that HE had been the one to make the mistake of walking.

He wanted to believe they were still looking for him.

But he knew.

He knew that he had been left.

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