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       Ava walked me around the city. My eyes never left her's. She seemed to notice, but she didn't mind. We looked everywhere but the castle, we didn't even talk about it. She ignored it, when we passed by it she just walked in silence, until I finally brought it up. " who lives in this castle", she froze. She turned to me, her eyes were so dull. " Satan, Lila and Catron". ( please see my other book Meow and Mal for info) I was confused but she seemed that she didn't want to talk about it.

        On our way back I saw this thing playing the violin, it was so insane I jumped. " What is that?!", I asked. She smiled, " don't worry, that's a demon. They are harmless here." I looked up at her, I felt myself blushing madly. She was so beautiful. I couldn't handle it. Her smile made me melt. She touched my shoulder and I jumped. She said," Sorry but we have to go to your apartment. The hospital bought one for you. " I smiled, knowing I had a place to stay, and went to my apartment with her.

        She told me about it and left. When I closed the door, I fell to my knees and laughed. She was so cute, I couldn't stop smiling. I locked the door and ran to my bed. It was so soft. I hugged a pillow and fell asleep.

      Don't! Please stop following me!
Satan was chasing me, but I felt like I had been here before. In this state. I turned around and he ate me whole. Laughing at my screaming.

     Oh, just a dream.

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