➳chapter twenty-three➳

Start from the beginning

His eyes had sunk and the corners of his lips had turned down significantly since the encounter began.

Should I just forgive him? Let him be my friend? Put the past in the past?

He looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Please, just forgive me. Say you forgive me and I'll never talk to you ever again."

"I'll get back to you on that, Schnapp."

Jack's point of view

I groaned, throwing my book bag on the floor and flopping down on my soft bed. "I don't understand why teachers send so much bullshit homework."

Sophia rolled her eyes, gently setting down her stuff and laying next to me. "We don't even have homework today, you just forgot to go to your locker."


We sat in silence, both examining the ceiling. "I'm bored," she muttered, fiddling with the ring on her right hand.

I nodded in agreement, a whine sounding in the back of my throat, a look of dramatic despair on my face. I sat up, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. "Let's go somewhere then."

The only sound in the room was the sound of the backs of my feet hitting the bed as they swung back and forth like an impatient child. She thought for a moment. "I don't fucking know where to go."

I snatched up her phone, going into the group chat with everyone.


Me: anyone wanna do something

Chosen: jerbear and I are studying maybe next time

Jeremy: yep

"Sophia your contact names are so dry."

"Shut up my parents check my phone."

Jaeden: I wanna go!!

Wyatt: calm down you don't even know what she wants to do yet

Wyatt: but I wanna go too!!

Me: come to jack's house

I tossed her the phone back. "There. Problem solved."

We ended up just staying at my house.

The good old game of uno was suggested approximately five minutes after Wyatt and Jaeden arrived, hand in hand, also looking bored out of there minds.

Three minutes into the first round, we liked to time our games, my phone rang, startling Jaeden so much that he dropped his pile of cards on my bed.

Dumb bitch just exposed yourself.

I didn't pay attention to the cards, diverting that to my phone. I heard Wyatt ranting about how many wild cards Jaeden had been hiding or whatever.


"Hey princess!" Finn exclaimed, his voice sounding distant.

"Hey babe. What's up?"

There was silence for a moment. I waited patiently.

"Sorry. Anyway, I just wanted to talk to you because I didn't see you after or during school."

"Oh...yeah I just came home with Sophia. How was school?"

A longer silence ensued, but this time I could feel some sort of tension. I shushed Sophia as she angrily muttered under her breath about having to restart the game, her and Wyatt each shuffling equal parts of the deck.

"It was good...but I have to tell you something."

My throat felt like it was closing in on itself and my eyes felt like they were already prepared to cry even though he hadn't actually told me what happened yet. I held my breath, his long pauses only worsening the anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach.

What if he cheated again? What if he's breaking up with you? What if he found someone better?

Jaeden handed me my new seven cards and I took them, pressing the phone between my ear and shoulder as Finn began to speak.

"So I was walking in the hallways today and I bumped into Noah. Like literally. I fell to the ground," he coughed. "Anyway, he dragged me into the bathroom-"


"And started apologizing and blubbering and honestly, it was so pathetic I started to actually feel bad. He said that when he kissed me he was just curious and he didn't mean to interfere. He just wanted to be my friend."

I put down a plus four card to deflect Sophia's plus four, winking at Jaeden as he groaned and picked up eight.


I remembered about Finn, not being able to help the look of disgust that masked my face. "I fucking hate you Finn."


"Yeah, you gave me a heart attack. I swear to god you're always so extra about the tiniest things."

He let out an audible sigh of relief, causing me to giggle. "So you're not angry?"

"Nah. If you wanna try to be his friend again go ahead, but if he pulls some more shit I'll get Wyatt to cut his head off," I glanced at Wyatt who was picking up cards to find one that matched a blue seven.

He blinked confusedly. "I don't know who this is about but yeah I'll fight anyone if my son asks me to."

"Such a good dad," Sophia mocked.

"I'll think about it," Finn's voice came through the receiver again. "I gotta do homework. Talk to you later, princess."

"Bye. Love y-uno! Anyway, love you."

Finn's point of view

My phone sat on the kitchen table. The screen was off but it still felt like it was glaring at me, daring me to choose the wrong decision and get my life ruined.

I hadn't noticed that Nick walked in until he tapped me on the shoulder. "What the hell are you doing."

I jumped, my eyes prying themselves away to look at my brother. "I'm having some problems right now."

He rolled his eyes. He was always fully informed whenever I had drama or beef or whatever. "You always have problems."

He sat across from me, pulling an apple from the bowl that sat on the counter behind him. "Go ahead, start talking. I'm just gonna get comfortable since your stories take three fucking years to finish."

He reclined in the dining chair. I shrugged, trying to keep my explanation vague. "Saw Noah. He apologized for like ten minutes. Kept me hostage in a bathroom."

Nick furrowed his eyebrows mid bite. I was surprised he actually paid attention. "I told Jack and Jack said I could try to rekindle our short lived friendship but now I don't know whether I should unblock his number and text him."

Nick looked at me as to say 'yikes, that sounds like a you problem,' but gave his input anyway. "Well, if Jack's okay with it, I guess you and Noah could talk it out. But I'm not trying to get involved in your relationship. So if it totally bombs just know you didn't have to take my advice."

I sighed, slamming my hands on the table out of frustration. "I don't know. I guess...I guess I'll text him. And resolve it."

Nick nodded solemnly, which was hard to take seriously when he had apple bits dripping down his chin. I gave him a look of disgust before submerging into my room, clutching my phone.



The next chapter might be the last one. What do you want to happen?

My algebra 1 average is a 97 woop

I have my first open house for the one high school I want to go to this weekend man I've been in eighth grade for two weeks and it's already stressful

Go read my Jyatt fanfiction, Bad at Love, and follow stranger._.gays on Instagram

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