Chapter whatever

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"How are you feeling today, Alex?" CJ asked Alex gently, sitting next to her in her living room. Magazines were strewn everywhere and coffee mugs littered the table. Alex sniffled and stared out the window.

"It's been hard, CJ. I can't believe she's gone. I can't believe... he... would do something like that," Alex murmurred quietly. CJ nodded silently and put his arm around Alex. CJ looked around the living room and saw that all of Alex's pictures with Victoria were everywhere; on the mantle, the coffee table, even the floor. 

"Alex are you sure it's good for you to have all these pictures of you two out right now?" Cj asked.

"S-She hated her picture being taken," Alex smiled, reminiscing her times with her friend. "I'm lucky to even have those. I want.. to cherish them. Even if it hurts. I never want to forget her." CJ wiped his eye as his phone vibrated. He looked at the screen and typed a reply. He stood up, scaring Alex. "What is it CJ?" Alex asked nervously.

"My mom needs me home." CJ said simply. Alex;s nostrils flared. 

"Doesn't she know?! Doesn't she know i need the help right now?!" Alex yelled angrily. CJ put his hand on her shoulder and brought her in for a hug while sobs racked her body.

"My grandma.. She has cancer and she needs me to be there with her. I'm sorry." CJ walked out the door without waiting for a reply. Alex looked like she felt guilty for a moment, but the moment passed. She sighed and walked to her fridge and pulled out a soda. She popped the top and sipped the fizzy liquid. She sat on the counter and crossed her legs. She looked around her and her mother's apartment in disgust. She deserved better and she knew it. She smiled happily and finished her soda.

'What a beautiful day,' Alex thought to herself. She tore her gaze from the window and looked at all the pictures of her and her friend. A dark look passed over her face. She walked over to the nearest one, a picture of the two friends smiling at the camera while partying. She took the picture out of the frame and turned the picture over slowly in her hands. In a sudden moment of fury, she ripped the picture in half. She threw the part with herself away and started crying. 

"Mommy..." she cried feebily. "I want... her.. back." Alex said through sobs. She fell to the floor and curled up and cried herself to sleep. 

"Alex... Alex..." a voice awoke Alex.

"Victoria?" Alex murmmered groggily.

"No sweetheart." Alex's mother said sadly. "Do you feel up to going to school today?"

"No. I never want to go again. I'll just remember.. Vic- Victoria," Alex broke out into tears. Alex's mother stroked her hair gently and whispered to her softly. Alex slowly calmed down and stared blankly out the window. 

"Okay sweetie. I'll call the school. Get some sleep," Alex's mother walked out the apartment. Alex kept looking blankly out the window. She started screaming hysterically and clawing her arms. Tears were pouring down her face. 

"VICTORIA!" She sobbed. The pain she felt was unbearable. It felt like the most vital person she had in her life was gone, ripped out forefully. Like her soul was ripped in two. She felt like she would never be the same, never be happy, never feel the beautiful trust the two girls once had. Alex kept seeing Victoria's body in her head, bringing on fresh bouts of screams. Suddenly she stopped screaming and just looked blankly into space. "Dead," she whispered. "Dead."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2012 ⏰

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