Chapter 3

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"Why'd you do it son?" A burly officer demandended.

"She kept teasing me and telling me how lame i was! I couldn't stand it so... so I took the knife i had from my costume.... and i.." He paused here, choking back a sob. "I stabbed her 14 times."

A kinder looking officer looked kindly at Marc, effictively hiding her disgust with what he did, and sighed. "Well Marc, you're going to be in big trouble. Since you confessed and didn't lie to us, you'll most likely get a better deal. You might even just go to juvie,"

Marcs mother frowned. "Are you sure he did it?"

"Mrs. Smith, your son confessed. His story matches. He has blood all over his clothes and the knife has his fingerprints on it. The writing on the bathroom wall has his fingerprints all over it. I'm sorry, but it was him Ma'am." the nicer officer said sympathetically. Marc stared at the floor and frowned. His mother started crying and left the room. "You can go, sweetheart. We've got all we need. We're going to have an officer stay at your house so you don't try to get away. It's a nessacery precaution."

"That's fine. I won't run though," Marc said emptilly. An officer grabbed Marc's arm and led him to an inconspicuous black car. They opened the door for him and his mother. The drive to his house was long and quiet.

Meanwhile, back at the station, Alex was being questioned.

"Did you see anyone in the bathroom? Was she still moving when you came in?" an officer asked Alex gently.

"N-no officer. Before the dance started, i s-saw Marc walk out of the boy's locker r-room with a new costume than he w-wore at school. I thought it w-was weird but i didn't think anything of it," she told the officers, attempting to hold back her tears.

"Why were you there before the dance started, sweetie?" the officer questioned.

"I'm a cheerleader so i had to help with decorations," she told the officer.

"So, when did you, em... find Victoria?" the officer asked awkwardly; he was trying (but failing) at lightening the blow of Victoria's death.

"I think it was about 7:30 when i had to go to the bathroom really bad. I walked away from CJ and into the bathroom. She was... she was... she.. sh sh sh," Alex started crying. Her mother rubbed her back and murmmered how everything was going to be okay. The officers nodded and wrote something down.

"The coroner said that the time of murder was around 7. Did you see anyone near the bathroom at that time?" The officer said, looking up from his notes. Alex squirmed in her seat. She whispered something to her mom and stood up. The kind officer stood up and sat in front of her on the table. She furrowed her eyebrows. She looked genuinely concerned.

"What's wrong sweetie?" she asked quietly. Alex frowned and whispered into the officers ear. The officer nodded slowly and stood up. "We can be done. We may have questions for you in the future. Thank you sweetie." Alex nodded and pulled absently at her ponytail. She stood up and walked out the door. She kept looking around nervously, like something was coming to get her.

While she was walking through the brightly lit lobby, she started crying again. Her mother put her arms around her shoulders, attempting to comfort her. THey walked through the eerily empty parking lot silently. Alex opened her door and frowned. Sitting on her seat was a gift that Victoria had given her. She had promised not to open the gift until the next morning. Even though she knew that Victoria couldn't care anymore, she decided to keep her promise.

The ride through the city was silent. Alex was normally enamored with the beautiful city that she had hoped her whole life to live in. She didn't even look up as their car passed beautiful stores. She didn't even notice when the reached her neighborhood. The streets were dark; there were no street lights. She finally looked up as they pulled in front of her apartment. Alex stepped out of the car and immeadietly into a large puddle from yesterdays rain. She walked slowly up the steps and stood motionlessly in the large elevator. The elevator had intricate pictures painted by professional artists years and years ago. Now they looked sad and pathetic with age. They stopped on the 18th floor and slowly walked to their apartment. Alex immeadietly fell asleep on her couch.

When Alex woke up, she panicked and started screaming. No one heard her though; her mother had already gone to work, leaving her alone for another day. She frowned and looked around. She hoped it had all been a dream, but when she saw the painstakingly wrapped present on the coffee table, she knew that it was real. She smiled faintly and picked the present up. She opened it carefully and found a cardboard box. She took the lid off and saw a small envelope. She looked confusededly at it and picked it up. She turned it over in her hands, slowly opening it.

"Hey Alex," it read. "I haven't been that great of a friend lately. I'm really sorry for that. I didn't mean to hurt you. I don't know if we can be friends anymore, though. I know how much you like Marc, but I love him and he loves me too. I'm really sorry that he didn't tell me about you two going out. I hope you can forgive me and hopefully still be my friend.

Love, Victoria :)"

Alex looked darkly at the note. She ripped it up and threw it into the fireplace.

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