Chap 7: What? No!

Start from the beginning

"Car crash. I'm good with that story. I don't need some random people telling me who I am and what happened to my parents." She said as tear began to fall out of ear eyes as she blinked them away. "Especially you Tony."

"Dawn, come back." I said "Sit down here."

"No, goodbye." she said as she yanked the door open and left.

"Dawn!!" Tony yelled.

"I've got her." Nick said. "I think it's time to bring in an old friend." he said smiling at Tony. "Did she tell you about Luke?" he said and smirked as he ran after her out of the hall.

Nick's POV

As I ran down the hall after Dawn. I told one if the security guard standing in the hallway to fetch Luke. (Fetch is a metaphor)

I finally caught up to Dawn, but she didn't notice. She walked into one of the rooms here that almost looked like the one we were in before she stomped off.

I walked in after her, closing the door behind me and saw her siting across the room on a bench near a window.

"Dawn, I'm not one of those people who are very sympathetic, but I know sadness and hurt when I see it." I said calmly coming close to her.

"Dawn, your parents were amazing people, some of the most outstanding, loyal, caring people I've ever had the chance to meet. I know they loved you. And they still do wherever they are." I said standing beside her as she sniffled sitting in the bench. Her head was down as she starred at her shoes.

"Did- Did you, ever, meet someone who meant the world to you, then have them pulled away from you?" She asked not looking at me.

"Depends." I said. "Who are we talking about here?" I asked I got no response

"If it was someone like your parents, then yes. If it was someone like Luke, then no." I said looking at her

Her head shoot up once I said his name.

"H- How do you know about Luke? I've only mentioned him to Tony. And Tony promised me he wouldn't tell a soul about him! How do you know about him?!" She said standing up and walking towards me.

"Simple." I stated. "Instead of explain this twice why don't you turn around and see for yourself.

Dawn's POV

I turned around to face the door and who was standing there.... Luke.

I felt emotions build up inside of me, many that I've been trying to hide over these past couple years, and a few stood out. Complete Awe and Anger. Forgiveness. Fear.

I haven't seen this kid for over 7 years and now he's standing right in front of me.

"L- Luke?" I stuttered not sure of what words to say. And feeling that I'd I say something wrong he'll disappear.

"D- Dawn? Is that- Is that you?" he asked in awe. As he stepped closer and stretched out a hand to my shoulder.

"Ya, ya it's me. I haven't seen you in forever!" I screamed pulling I'm into a hug which I think lasted a few minutes. "You changed so much!" I said as I felt something hot and wet run down the check when then u realized it was a tear

"You have too! I still remember you how you were when we were kids! I've missed you SO much and I haven't been able to stop thinking about you! Ever since they brought me here and I met the avengers, I was just hopping that Tony would bring you here and now he finally did!" He said pulling me into another bone-crushing hug.

"Sorry to break up this reunion you two, but we have to get both of you back to the others and explain something to all of you." Nick said serious.

-------- back in the other room --------

"Dawn, Luke. Although you might not believe what we say here, your parents did indeed used to work here. A few days before both of your parents died, they said to make sure we kept an eye on you at all times. Watch over you, almost make is so we'll be your own living guardian." Nick explained.

"We were lucky we got Luke here-" Steve started explain but got cut off by..

"What do you mean you were lucky?" Luke asked confused.

"Well, you see Luke, you were in danger, your adopted-parents, were "wanted assassins", they were to be killed and so were you. You have valuable information stored inside your head the 'their' people wanted, but we wouldn't let them have.

We were lucky that we brought you here in time. He was also in danger because of you." He said the last part directed to me

"Me?" She asked stepping back. "How could've I put Him in danger? We were normal-ish kids!"

"Oh you certainty are normal, oh yes. Don't get me wrong on that but don't you want to know why your parents died first of all?

Well, they were keeping you two safe, you have something valuable that others want. And,... well,.... by spending so much time with Luke, he knew almost everything about you and got all the information too without even knowing it."

"Wait- so your saying Im a weapon people want?" She asked.

"Yes. You are the key to unlocking a 'portal' to connect our world to another world who would kill us in a blink of an eye." Nick cleared up.

"That USB Tony had you protect, that's the key with all the valuable i information to where the portal was located, how to open it, and how to kill everything that gets in their way." Steve said simply, sitting down on a nearby chair.

"Wait just a minute! How does Luke come into this then?" She asked.

"Well, Luke was the one thing you cared about, by our enemies getting him, they could pull you too them, make you their puppet just so you could think you were saving him."

"Really? So they would trick me into thinking I was saving him meanwhile they were just using me?"

"Precisely!" Dr. Banner joined in.

"Dawn don't you get it!? Luke is like you! You are like him!! Tour both connected!! Your parents both worked for us! Your both keys! Once that we saw them coming for you, we had to pull you away from each other! Hoping that you both would forget abut each other, and the information could be deleted! By you two being so close you could kill everything."

"This doesn't make sense! So you're saying, the 'bad guys' are after Dawn and I because of something we have? And that our parents gave us?" Luke asked trying to make things less complicating and confusing..

"Yes. But now they've gotten stronger, and you two are the only two people to stop them-" I cut Nick off.

"So your saying a huge war is about to start and Luke and I are the only ones who can save everyone?" I asked

"Yes, well with the help of the Avengers." He resumed.

"Crap! This is gonna be one hell of a ride." I said adding a small chuckle in while sending a hopeful glare to Luke.

"You got that right and that's why we brought Luke in." Dr. Banner said and I gave him a strange look.


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