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From Dylan:

i think i’m the reason

To Dylan:

about your parents? no you’re not

From Dylan:

you don’t know that

To Dylan:

and neither do you!

From Dylan:

i know more about this than you do, belle. you didn’t even KNOW that they were getting divorced until i told you and now you’re going to act like you know more than me? like you’re so high and mighty?

To Dylan:

i’m sorry. i’m not trying to act like that and i don’t want to fight with you.

Read 12:17 pm


From Dylan:

i know you didn’t. i’m being stupid. that’s why i’ve just kind of been ignoring you. just need to be alone right now okay?

To Dylan:

okay, and i understand

 Read 2:48 pm

To DylanWhere stories live. Discover now