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Zaras POV

A party? A party... He wants to take me to a party. Just great, I haven't been to a party in what, 10 years? Never mind, If Gerard will be there, then I can go too. Great, now my mind is going full speed on the stupid train and it's too late to stop now, next stop- TOMMOROW IS THE FIRST FLIPPING CLASS! Urgh, it is really late, now brain, sleep! and how about... NOW, sleep! This is not going to work, well, I can get up now, I have 4 hours before the class starts. Lets go take a shower, fun.

I slowly stood up, a bit dizzy from "sleeping", and walked to the bathroom. The mirror caught me off guard and It scared the shit out of me, I jumped but got over it, then I turned on the shower and started singing, more like started killing my ears.

As soon as I was done, I rushed out of the bathroom to look what time it is. it was 8:28 and my class started at 9:35 so I had just the time to put my make-up on. In school I didn't use make-up, but I felt diffrent, I wanted to try to look good. That was odd for me, so I took Gerards make-up. And if you ask, yeah, Gerard uses make-up. It looks really good on him, he and all his friends have the gothick punk look going on. I dress more black, I don't have a 'look'.

I had no idea what I was doing, so I just did what I tought looked better.

"You know, you could ask first." gerards voice made me jump

"Oh, im sorry, Ill put it all back" I didn't want to look at him, I felt bad for touching his stuff.

I turned around and he looked suprised, at first I didn't understand why, but then I got it, the make-up!

"Yeah, I know, i look stupid, Ill take it off." I felt so awkward as I covered my face with my hands.

"It looks really good on you! don't take it off, it looks cute on you." he said and his words shocked me. he thinks I look 'cute'? i felt my cheeks get red, but he didn't notice it.

"Thanks" I smiled and looked at him, his hair stood in a weird direction and he had his PJ's on.

"You look so pretty." i didn't controle my mouth as it said that, he turned around and looked confused

"What was that?"

"Oh, no, I just said that we have to get going." he didn't hear it, bingo!

~30 minutes later~

Gerard and I were walking to the first class together.

"So, Ray is gonna meet us in class, but I have to warn you, his drawings are... Interesting." gerard laughed

"Are they that bad?"

"Pure crap" he smirked and we kept walking. The whole way we walked and talked about Rays art.

We were next to a huge house, that appeared to be the Art gallery. As we steped in the gallery, we heard Ray shout:


"HI RAY, YOU DON'T HAVE TO YELL!" Gerard yelled back

"Ok, fro,fro and sass master, lets go." I mocked them and started walking to the classroom.

The rest of the day went pretty good, me and Gerard sprinted our way back home, but this time I won, because I may or may have not pushed Gerard off of the road. Don't blame me, he is the guilty one!

Just as We walked in our room laughing, we both stoped and our mouths fell open. the room was vandalized. The worst part was that on the computer screen was an open message:

"Hy, our beloved Zara. we miss you, hope you have a horrible life, your best friends Anna & CO. XOXO."

Oh no...

*Uuuu, who is Anna and what will happen?! Haha, hope that you will keep reading and sorry about the late update, I am in America and I don't have much time to write : (

Anyway, sorry for the short chapter, but there will be a huge plot in the next 2 chapters, so stay tuned!

XO Pollution*

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