It's ok, Trust me

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Zaras POV

"How did you meet?" Gerard asked

"Well, I ran into him today, but he just ran away, just like you did a few minutes ago..." I said while sounding offended.

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that, he... we are really shy" He tried to make me feel better.

"Its ok, you don't have to apologize, trust me" I said, but still felt a bit sad

"Knowing that you are still mad at us, I know some people around here, I can introduce you to them... If you want to" He sat down on his bed, looking at me. I was still putting my stuff in the wardrobe.

"How did you know that I was... still mad? Some friends would do just fine." I looked at him with a smile

"Ok, I can bring them over now" He was about to go out of the room when he turned back "I just know that when you say "trust me" you don't mean it" And he walked out.

As I finished un-packing, I jumped on my bed and looked out of the small window next to my bed. The silence was so known by me, I felt as if it was my friend. I was sitting there for 10 minutes and then the door opened. He was finaly back! 

"Hi, I tought you die..." I was interrupted by voices

"Haha, yeah, totaly, she.." A awkward silence took over 

I looked to the people. There were five boys and three girls. 

"So" Gerard broke the awkwardness "This guy over here is Ray"

Ray was tall with a not full, brown affro and he looked at me with a warm smile

"This is Frank and Brendon" Gerard pointed to a really short guy with black hair and a tall, brown hair boy, he looked young.

"And those pretty ladys are Helena, Linda and Lilly"

As I understood- Helena was the girl with black hair, grey eyes and a black dress. Lida was the girl with blond hair and blue eyes, but she was wearing a thick line of eyeliner. And then there was Lilly- Purple hair, brown eyes and really pretty. I didn't want to say my name, because I was not as cool as them. They were like some cool, goth band coming out of a rock magazine.

"Heyyaa" They yelled at the same time and jumped on Gerards bed

"Hi.. Umm. i-Im... Zara" I smiled, but it was really, REALLY, awkward.

They looked at each other, but then they looked at me

"Welcome, you are our new friend" Ray said with a huge smile and a gesture at the group

We sat there for a while and then we started to talk about us. 

It turns out that Ray is together with Helena, Frank is as cute and sweet as a puppy and Linda had a hard past with her family. Mikey liked to play the bass and that was about it. Gerard didn't even say a word. 

The time passed by fast and It was the time for them to go. 

"Byeee, Zara, bye slut" Frank yelled and I looked at Grerad with a confused look.

"Its ok" He smiled, "He calls me a slut all the time" He smirked and closed the door

Now it was just him and me. Awesome. Atleast we had a bathroom in our room, so I don't have to run around the hallway, naked. 

"Are you going to go first or can I go?" he asked 

"Go where?" I was confused

"To the bathroom, you dirty-minded kid" He laughed

"Oh, if you don't mind, I want to go first" I looked at him with a puppy face

"NEVER!!" He yelled and started running to the bathroom door.

"Oh, no, you're not!" I started running the same way and as we got closer to the door, we crashed into each other. We landed on the floor and I hit my arm really hard

"Hahaha, are you ok?" He asked me

"Yeah, im ok, but Im still going first!" I showed him my tongue and golloped in the bathroom, closing the white door behing me. I locked it, justfor safety. I took off my shirt and looked at my stomach. EW... The mirror showed me a picture, that I didn't want to see.

I took off my pants, as well as my underwear and jumped in the shower. The warm water felt good on my skin. Then I started to put the shampoo in my hair. When I was done washing my hair, I turned off the water and put a towel around me. I put on my PJ's and left my hair wet, I never put the conditioner in, it makes my hair greasy, and I leve them wet, because I am just lazy to dry them. 

I opened the door and a strong breeze went through me. The largest window was opened and on the windowsill was sitting Gerard.

"God, dude, close the window, It is freezing here." I asked him

"Oh, im sorry" He turned his head and he was smoking. It was late and he looked wery artistic sitting there. 

" Its ok, I didn't know that you smoke" I crawled out, and sat next to him. 

"Yeah, its a bad habbit of mine, sorry" He said with a poker face

"Its ok, I like the smell of the smoke" 

"Do you smoke?" He asked me 

"No, but I still like the smell of pollution" I smiled and looked up at the sky.

"Go inside, you will get sick." He was back to the poker faced Gerard

"I don't want to.. Ill be ok." I insisted

"I said go in" He raised his voice

He looked odd, but I was too happy to be mad, so I just listened to him. But I was still not happy about his attitude, that is why I didn't say bye.

I went back inside and sat on the bed. I think I had to text Gee, because, well, I do like him and we are together. I think.

Zara: Hi, Gee : )

Gee: Hey

Zara: How are you?

Gee: I have been better, but im ok, you?

Zara: Im great, I met new friends.. Im not alone, not anymore

Gee: Great, spend time with them, ok? Are they cool?

Zara: They are nice, but I had a fight with one of them just now... I should apologize

Gee: Don't she/he was being a prick, besides, you are just too cool to say "Im sorry"

Zara: Haha, ok, But I have to go, you know, sleep and stuff

Gee: Ok, bye ; )

Zara: Byeeeeeee :**

I waited for him to text me something like " Byee, love :**" But he didn't. Oh, who cares. I just have to sleep. Tommorow I will have to take my class schedule. Byee.


Hi, guys, I will try to update asap, but If you have a idea, then just tell it to me. Oh, this Chapter was made while listening to P!ATD and AC/DC, If you want to share your favourite song/band of this week, then do it now : )


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