I Keep Going To The River

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Beginning Pt. 2

Dipping feet in the water is the very first step to fall in all together. The surface feels warmer than the water down deep, but it's usually so tempting to just jump in. She had her feet touching the glumly ground under the water, her feet began walking faster towards the middle of the river. All of her torn clothes were left behind, somewhere in the grass far away from her. She went to the river because there was no other place to go to. Her body felt dirty, she had to wash it all away with something, but she was left with her chipped nails. Scratch after a scratch she dug into her skin, hoping that the water will do the rest of cleaning up. Her body didn't feel like hers anymore, it was invaded, taken over by someone and she didn't know how to fight back. Her head went under the water as she held her breath. Find me, find me, "FIND ME MIKEY!"

The group**

"We can't call the police yet, at least a day." Gerard started talking silently after hearing the story "she may just be visiting some place or having alone time."
"Do you take me for a fool? Linda never goes anywhere without telling me, the fuck do you even mean!" Mikey was sitting inpatient in the backseat of the car.
"Give it time Mikey, she's been through some stuff too, we've all been having bad days lately" Gerard smirked and with a cracking voice explained why the immature reaction about Linda could make the situation worse.
The car was playing something in the background. Gerard was tired and Zara was still not talking. They had just checked out of the hospital and with a bunch of pre-scripted sleeping pills Gerard was bed written for a few days.
"Can we call Frank and Ray?" Mikey asked once more
"Take my phone, make them pick up brother."
"Oh and Mikey," Zara looked back as they stopped at a red light "call Linda once more, three time's a charm."


Her body was itching from the dirt and her throat hurt from the cold water touching her neck. "What did I do? What have I done?" Linda's voice got lost in the river's flowing water as the stream washed her sinless sin away.

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Xo Pollution

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