"Y/N I'M SO SORRY! I didn't know you were in here!"

I chuckle, not really seeing it as a big deal.. it's not like I'm standing butt naked in front of him or anything.

"Michael it's fine, I'm wearing a towel—"

Michael cuts me off while speed walking out the bathroom

"But it's only respectful for me not to look! I'm sorry y/n, I'll wait til' you get out!"

I shake my head and smile.. typical innocent, yet respectful Michael.

I come out in a pair of jeans,  a yellow/orange off the shoulder sweater, and white socks.

As I walk by drying my hair still, Michael and I pass each other; he casually gives me a rub on the head to purposely mess up my hair  then goes into the bathroom, chuckling

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As I walk by drying my hair still, Michael and I pass each other; he casually gives me a rub on the head to purposely mess up my hair  then goes into the bathroom, chuckling.

I suck my teeth and shake my head then continue to walk to the mirror to fix my hair.

Such little kind, yet silly  gestures from Michael mean so much to me. He could do the littlest thing and it'll still show how much love and care he has for you. He could just glance  at you or flash a smile at you, and you can see how much he cares.

Honestly, it makes me happy to see him happy. He never really seems happy anymore after thriller, and especially after getting with that Tatiana chick. He finally realizes the career he has and now that he's VERY popular, he's going to be 500x more busier than he was in The Jackson 5; besides that, the media has been at his throat with these allegations with his vitiligo .. saying he's bleaching his skin, or because he wants to be white because he doesn't like his skin color...I don't know, I just hope he doesn't focus on the media and tabloid bullshit. He only seems happy when he's performing for fans, and seeing me.

However, it's rare of course since he doesn't have many friends.. well.. I am his only good friend at the moment, or the only person he trusts. Recently, he's been having some bad friends and it's really messing up how much he trusts in people.. but I've been best friends with him since we were little kids. So either way, he cherishes me greatly.


Michael calls out to me from the bathroom

I snap out of my state of thinking and fixing my hair to go to him, I peeked around the corner as he was putting his semi-long curly hair in a low ponytail

"What's up?"

"I'm gonna have to go back to my apartment for a bit, Tati is most likely looking for me.. I don't want her worrying and going crazy for me."

cute.. he has a nickname for her..

I look away with my eyes and sigh quietly,crossing marms but still keeping a happy demeanor for Michael by smiling through my frustration.

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