Drunken Mess

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I wake up the next morning, feeling the cold winter air hit my face like it does every miserable morning. But I feel warmth against my back so I turn and see Michael STILL here, all cuddled up and sleeping soundly in one of my extra blankets.

 But I feel warmth against my back so I turn and see Michael STILL here, all cuddled up and sleeping soundly in one of my extra blankets

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I hope his insomnia didn't keep him up late enough to make him pass out.. however, it wouldn't be good if it did either way because I believe he has rehearsals today, and that bitch is probably looking for him. I know the first place she would look is in here since she hates me because I'm Michael's best and only close and trustworthy friend at the moment.

I sit up and stretch, then I go to my mini refrigerator and look for my coffee that I had put in there.

Not there.

I groan and put my hand on my forehead.

The only other way for me to wake up is to take a cold shower, so I took my clothes for the day out and bought them into my bathroom

The only other way for me to wake up is to take a cold shower, so I took my clothes for the day out and bought them into my bathroom

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Everyone is always surprised when they see my bathroom and how it's so luxurious and bigger than the rest of my apartment. But then I tell them that my modeling agency is paying for me to stay here, then they realize that's why.

Besides,  taking a shower or taking a bath while I listen to my records is the only way I can de-stress and relax. I never get to relax because I'm always out and about doing modeling for different agencies, traveling places temporarily for work, then come back to New York to my temporary home.

I close the bathroom door, taking my pajamas off then get in the shower.

Little did I know I was actually in the shower for a good hour and a half. I get out and put my hair in a bun, wrapping my towel around me when the door opens.

Michael hums as he just nonchalantly and casually walks in, yawning and singing to himself quietly

"You're just another part of  m—"

Until he notices me.

Michael pauses and stops in his tracks, his face turning bright red from embarrassment as he quickly turns away, covering his eyes like a little kid.

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