" What's wrong ? " Angelo asks confused " I'll explain later but right now we gotta do some shit sorry " she said hopping up following Zyla , it was 5 of them and she knew for a fact they would jump Zyla but not while Miko around . " So what's good Lola you talked all that shit " Zyla said smiling " Girl bye " Lola waved her off and that was all she needed.

Zyla sent a punch straight to her face and continued to throw blow after blow while connecting every hit " What was that ? I can't hear you hoe !? You said I wasn't gone do shit" Zyla shouted still swinging, one of the girls that came with Lola jumped in grabbing Zyla by the hair " Fuck you thought this was ?!" Miko shouted snatching the girl back , slamming her to the ground " So you tryna jump my bitch !" Miko was beyond livid , no one had seen her fight before and there was a reason why , she continued to stomp the girl on the ground , Angelo pulled her off but she ran and snatched Lola up from Zyla

" Ima fat bitch remember?! I ain't shit ?! But yet here I am beating that ass ! You been asking for this hoe !" Miko said punching her after every word , they had been best friends since the beginning of high school and now they weren't friends at all . " speak up bitch !" Lola begged her to stop at this point she knew how Miko could get but she had never experienced it first hand , while Miko beat Lola senseless Zyla had been knocking out the bitches she came with since one of them had already violated she didn't care who she swung on.

" Aight that's enough" Angelo said yanking both of the girls up , Miko broke loose one last time and kicked Lola in the head " Now hate on that hoe !"

Miko snapped herself back out that memory making Angelo sigh " Bitches like her never prosper in life be glad you got rid of her when you did cause if she would've stayed any longer she would have brought you down" Angelo said " just remind me to never piss you off man cause I ain't go lie you did shorty some damage real bad I seen her two weeks ago and she looked down bad"

Miko shrugged " I was hoping to put her ass in the hospital but I ain't trippin cause Zyla already made it her mission to beat her ass every time she see her even if it's Sunday and they at church" she says laughing " I know who to call if ever have females test me cause you and her together a force to be reckon with it" Angelo said

" but on a more serious note I know we haven't talked about this I was wondering if we could tested together so when the time does come I don't want nothing holding us back" Miko began fiddling with her fingers , she didn't know what to say because she was afraid of his reaction once she told him that she's still a virgin " Um see well uh" she sighed looking down " What is baby girl ?" He asks in a worrisome tone " I'm still a virgin" she mumbles " you serious ?" He asks " yea" she says still looking down

He lifts her chin up and caresses her cheek " Even more better baby girl you still pure and that shit makes my dick jump it ain't too many women out here who still got they innocence" he says in a proud tone " you not mad ?" " Fuck no and when ever you feel ready to lose it ima be right here no matter what but until then ima make love to ya mind" he said licking his lips , Miko wanted to kiss him so badly since they still haven't had their first kiss but she was afraid so she decided against it and changed the subject

" What time we leaving ? " she asked " around 7:30 Ima be here at 7 " he said " what time you gone leave here ?" " 4 since I stay a good 45 minuets away " okay " she smiled " now let's get back to this marathon we watching cause you know Netflix be on bullshit and take everything good down "


| Omniscient |
6:55 PM

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