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For those who do not know. All my poetry books have a update every fifty poems where I let you guys - the readers - know if and or when you can expect more poems.

Well this time around I'm letting you guys know that I won't be releasing poems for awhile. Not until January to be exact.


I've noticed as of late that some of my poems are going unnoticed and or unread because I'm releasing so many that they just aren't all being enjoyed anymore. In short... I'm overshadowing my own work with my high volume of new poems.

So I'm going to see to it that the poems I've already written sit out and rest like a fine wine.

This will let them have the chance to get some recognition or at least not overshadow them with more and more new poems.

It will also allot me the time to enjoy reading other people's works!

On another note I'd love to take this time to give credit to my absolutely fabulous fan base here on Wattpad (It may be few in number but it is a strong group of respectful and loyal readers.)

I'm happy to see these names - names I've grown to know and love - popping up notifying me that my poems have been read and voted for.

In no particular order here are my loyal readers!

Destiny_isnotonfire (Who took the time to read "Perceive" my novel/poem short story. Not only that but reads and comments consistently on my poems. Thank you!)
maidengirl77 (Who's been commenting and reading for quite awhile now. I thank you.)
dreamgirlselina (Im very used to your name now! Makes me happy every time I see it pop up! You give such darling comments! I thank you!)
seventeenly (I appreciate the work you do and the time you took to check out mine. For that I thank you!)
Soxy_Poxy (Love your votes and your caring and interesting comments!)
injustice69 (It was absolutely lovely to have you read and vote for my work. Also I'm happy to have seen you post some of my poems where others could see and appreciate them!)
Tall_StackO_Pancakes (You have given some of the most lovely comments and much appreciated votes! Thank you!)
Safiello (Who read my ongoing novel!!! "Persistent Existence" and a few poems! Thank you!)
heyyyjulieee (I wouldn't forget you, thanks for reading commenting and voting!)
TheRemnantJuice (Thanks for taking the time to give great comments and vote on some of my poems I really appreciate it!)
RaysofKays (Who may not have read many of my poems but - along with the help of Safiello - encouraged me to write what ended up being one of my favorite poems ever for her book about the struggles of young women. Thank you!)
silvera379 (Who's been reading my work for awhile now and never fails to vote or comment on the poems she reads. It's lovely to have you! Thank you!)
Alaaaee (For her many votes and kind comments. Thank you!)
And last but certainly not least
Montserathfulgencio (Who was one of my very first readers and an incredibly loyal one at that. Who votes on practically every poem, always comments and even read my non-poem related books. Thank you!)

For those of you that read this and are not listed just know I love and appreciate your votes and comments but have merely forgotten to add you to the list!

In fact if this is the case just send me a private message and I'll add your name along with why I appreciate you!! I'd love to include everyone!


Thank you all very much for reading my work

You can look forward to more poems when the new year rolls around but until then read the ones you haven't, enjoy the ones you loved, spread the word and of course don't forget to share, comment, and vote!!

With love,
David Yager

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