Chapter 4

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I woke the next morning to the sound of rain and hail hitting the windows. I stared at the graphite sky and longed to just stay in the comfort of my bed for the rest of the day, but I knew better. I had to get up and start all the preparations for the Shareholder's Ball. It was the biggest event that my father's company held during the year and I was expected to look the part of the Vespian Princess. I hated seeing that title in the news, but once a clever journalist had pinned it in an article, it spread like wildfire. My father, on the other hand, loved it because as he said, "It makes me King." So I had to spend my entire day being fussed over by makeup and hair stylists, and then practically being sewn into the dress that my father's PR people had chosen for me based on current trends and fashion. I almost always hated what they chose.

I sat in the chair provided for me by a vanity in a small conference room while my stylists, Akimi and Seth, worked on my hair and makeup. I focused on the reflection of the gray windows behind me while the stylists decided how to work my look to maximize my face and downplay my extra curvy figure. Which could be an issue depending on the style of dress chosen for me. They agreed on minimal makeup and a simple updo in order to keep the focus on my dress for the evening, and when I saw it I understood why.

Marcella, the head of PR for Bishom Exomining, came in carrying a nearly see-through embroidered dress covered in glowing Triton gemstones and as soon as my eyes hit it, I stood up and headed for the door. Akimi nearly fell over and Seth didn't even have time to let go of the hair he was diligently trying to pin. I jerked my hair out of his grasp and noped my way right out of there. I had worn some pretty hideous dresses before, but there was no way I was going to go with some radioactive frakenstones covering me.

I stormed into my father's office down the hall and ran face-first into Jackson's chest. A heartbeat passed before I realized that he was actually there. When the fog cleared, I considered throwing my arms around him, but after my conversation with my father before the trip down, I was terrified that any strong reaction would work against me. Jackson winked and I knew he knew. I turned my attention to my father.

"Hey there, sunshine!" My father's voice was annoyingly sweet. He'd been warned I was coming.

"Please don't make me wear that...dress."

"You know how these things go. Triton is currently one of my company's biggest clients. Besides, my people tell me tritium stones are regaining popularity. They assure me that you will be all the talk among the fashion elite."

"I don't care about being fashionable and that dress is hideous! The stones are questionable, but the embroidery looks like a toddler's failed attempt at abstract painting."

"I saw nothing wrong with it when Elaina modeled it for me."

My nose wrinkled before I could stop it. If Elaina had her way, she'd be my new stepmom before the end of the week. I bet she enjoyed "modeling" for him. I nearly gagged.

"Please? It's absolutely terrible." I begged.

My father held up his hand. "I won't hear any more of this. You haven't said anything about Jackson being here. I thought you'd be much more appreciative."

"Of course I am, Daddy. Thank you." I was more than a little worried about why he was there. "I was just distracted by the...wardrobe issue."

"I can see that." He rifled through some papers and didn't take his eyes off them as he continued. "Jackson's recovery was absolutely remarkable and he requested to be able to guard you at tonight's event. Given the circumstances, I decided it was worth the risks to make my daughter happy."

"What circumstances?" I asked, looking between my father and Jackson. He tried to hide it, but I could see the smallest hint of sadness written in the lines of Jackson's face.

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