From Trust to Triangles, and From Tender to Tumultuous(15)

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Sometimes listening to music, causes my young heart to ache,
and if i understand the meaning, my heart will often break,
because the burdens it conveys are oft more than I can take,
as I stare out over waters, tossed like a boat on a lake

A simplistic rhyming scheme, but it still helps me clear my head,
of bad memories, and dark destines, that fill my heart with dread,
As I sit out on this shore, consuming more than human bread,
I no longer worry about stupid things like who I'll wed

I gave my mortal life to God, but my sinful heart still yearns,
for the things of my immoral flesh, for which my soul still burns,
But I will give glory to God no matter which way it turns,
for creating every thing from camel spiders to Jules Vernes

My parents are divorced, but still I do not like to complain,
because I have lived a good life, although I may be insane,
and because I know that my life was not created in vain,
and because my God has made me clean of sin's immoral stain

I am not the most intelligent, I will not fool myself
I could not even organize a school library bookshelf,
but I don't concern myself, with things like material wealth,
because life has more to it, than to earn money, for oneself.

I am a true communist, it is the Christian form of state,
but this turns always others away, it seems that is my fate,
so still I sit here patiently, trying to pray, teach, and wait,
not allowed to be social or to truly participate

Yet I do not regret this, I will stand up for my belief,
and realising I uphold them still, brings me much relief,
but these thoughts are not my own, I am no better than a thief,
Because I expand other people's thoughts, and fail to be brief

I fear sincere emotions, cause trust always leaves me exposed,
and I seem to think that their weakness would often leave me hosed,
I express them in this writing, though its form is poorly prosed,
praying to My Just God that He would keep my tabs on them closed

But The Almighty shakes His head, and refuses my request,
because in all truth He knows what is ultimately the best,
and He sets up all these trials like a teacher does a test,
so that my failing faith can be renewed at my next bequest

How could I begrudge Him when he has gifted me with so much?

Healing my mental derision with a single holy touch,

So I will trust the One who helps me, and always comes in clutch,

and I'll rely not on myself but use Him as a blessed crutch.

Praise, Worship, Honour, Power and Glory be to the Most High,
Who always helps me in my life, however hard I may try,
cause my own efforts aren't enough, I would assuredly die,
if it was not for my God, for whose love I don't have to vie

A Brief Collection Of Poetry Of An Allegorical Nature That Is TerribleWhere stories live. Discover now