A Song of Praise to Jehovah-Shalom

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It is a rare day, that I write a song of praise to You,
Which is saddening really, considering all You do.
But I write these lyrics here today out of happiness,
Which is overwhelming considering my life's crappiness.

I am happy, I am light, I am eternally content,
And from praising You, my mind shall not be bent.
You gave me this happiness, through a good day,
By opening my heart and giving me cause to be gay.

It began in Horvath's, when no work I had to do,
But deliberate on the path of suicide, and what is true,
my mind was strangely blissful, though the topic was dark,
And my voice rang forth in accordance, like the meadowlark.

It continued in the morning, with my happiness in Gov,
A class of topics for which I have a sincere love,
I turned in my project early, a stress off of me,
Making my soul fly high and blissfully free.

The I had a study hall, in which I played D&D,
Which some see as a sin, but I see as an activity,
The encounter played was stressful, but I came out on top,
Fighting off eight bandits, with a armed, spiraling, hop.

I then had chorus; the pinnical highlight of my day,
We listened to songs for the next concert and discussed fame in PA.
It seems so simple now, but it meant a lot to me,
When an aquaintence complimented my Phantom medley.

Then I went to lunch; possessing food to share,
Given freely to those in want, avoiding their stare.
Which was followed by English 10, and Flag designs to beware,
If you support nationalism, or really don't care.

Then in Debate I discussed political things,
An open discussion for which my grateful heart sings
We didn't accomplish much, but fun debates were had,
And debating is a lost art that makes my heart glad.

Then I went to physical Ed, which I usually don't enjoy,
But I spiked a ball in volleyball; a very successful ploy.
I actually had fun, much to my surprise,
The only way: A gift from God, from what I can surmise.

God gave me a great day; so I'll praise His Holy Name,
El-Shaddai, Lord on High, my heart to praise Your Living Flame,
The tongues of fire, you brought down during Pentacost,
Your Holiness so much, that the art of speech was lost.

But I praise You for more than this, my soul sings it is well,
You sent Your son to die for us, and save us all from hell.
This act alone, is worthy of praise, but You deserve more still,
Because You created all of us, though we decide to kill.

Lord, I praise you for this day, you gave,
And because you, Yahweh, conquered the grave.
Lord, help me to praise you more,
For it is You, Jehovah-Jirah, Whom I adore.

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