What Does He Value

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The Lord loves a cheerful giver,
Whose love flows forth like a river,
Whose heart belongs to God forever,
And whose bond with Him none can sever.

Though day is long, and night is grim,
Valued is praise sung with a hymn,
He cares not about its sound, just a humble heart,
The sign of which will cause you to be set apart.

The Lord values mercy, forgiveness and love,
And gives them in multitude, a gift from above,
For how we judge others, is how we'll be judged,
So be kind, and worry not if your soul is smudged.

The Lord loves he, who dies for a brother,
And who serves only him, thus no other,
For the Lord is God alone, to Christian, Muslim, and Jew,
So what you do on Earth is not just up to you.

He loves one who quickly, defends His name,
Arguing that all religions are not the same,
But do it out of love, for your brethren,
And you will into Heaven, be let in.

God loves one who is kind to all,
Loving all of man, despite their fall,
He says that which you do unto the least of these,
you have done thusly, unto Me.

If you lack these traits, God still loves you,
Whether or not, you serve Him, in all you do,
Because He is our Redeemer, our only way to live,
And he will always love you, despite the report you give.

A Brief Collection Of Poetry Of An Allegorical Nature That Is TerribleWhere stories live. Discover now