Prologue- Jackson's Past

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(18 years to the past) Third Point of View

4-year-old Percy Jackson just saw his abusive step-father just murdered his mother. He ran away. He ran to the police station to take him somewhere else. Somewhere his step-father, Gabriel Ugliano, doesn't hurt him anymore. The officers who were once a friend of Sally Jackson took him to an orphanage called Saint Agnes Orphanage. The next day, Gabriel Ugliano is arrested for an attempt of abusing Percy Jackson and murdered Sally Jackson

There they taught he was a freak until he met a girl named Mary Sue Poot, who he became best friends with. He was there when she changed her name from Mary to Skye. Since then they never left each other.

Time Skip (10 years or more to the future)

Skye and Percy Jackson are 14 years old. They are in high school. Percy told Skye he was a demigod and that he trusted her. They are currently dating and Percy Jackson would protect her at all cost. After the Titan War, he was made immortal, alongside with Skye (yes Skye help fight in the war). They are not gods, but immortals that can bleed golden ichor. Annabeth was made Architect of Olympus and is now dating Will Solace (since Percy Jackson is taken). Skye and Annabeth became friends quickly.

Time Skip (2 years later)

Director Nick Fury came to find Percy Jackson. He asked him if he could join S.H.I.E.L.D. and that Skye would be Nick Fury's assistant and that he will the Directors's assassin. They still are dating.

Time Skip (4 years later)

The seven, which are Nico, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, and Annabeth; had survived the Giant War. Percy Jackson and Skye fought in the war alongside with Director Fury and Phil Coulson. He had never seen such an organized team before. Percy, Skye, and S.H.I.E.L.D. help defend the Greeks against the Romans with some of Jackson's specialized weapons, such as this MTK-995(made this one up) and other weapons listed below.

 help defend the Greeks against the Romans with some of Jackson's specialized weapons, such as this MTK-995(made this one up) and other weapons listed below

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which all of these machines were built to high-tech mechanics by Hephaestus and the secret Jackson industry that create advanced technology to special S

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which all of these machines were built to high-tech mechanics by Hephaestus and the secret Jackson industry that create advanced technology to special S.H.I.E.L.D agents to Fury right hand. The gods made both Percy Jackson and Skye gods. They also made Fury and his select followers immortal, meaning they are like gods, but weaker.

Then Chitari War happen. The Avengers was successful, but many buildings were damaged, but the first Jackson industry was built, The Black Basilisk. Another program also installed into shield because Fury knew Hydra was in shield, so he implanted the Black Basilisk project into shield for specialized agents. It is classified to all field agents except for Agent Jackson, Agent Skye, Agent Coulson, Agent Barton, Director Fury, Agent Hill, and Agent Romanoff. Then Agent Coulson died, but since he was immortal he was knocked out cold. He went into the T.A.H.I.T.I. Project. Agent Skye was sent to Coulson team to be seen working with the rising tide, which doesn't exist.

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