Chapter 1

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The crows fought hard pecking and clawing.

Cradline was being out cast from the territory,being acused of being a witches crow; which are believed to give bad luck.Cradline's own eggs where taken from her and her mate was executed for "His own good"

Cradline fought for her line.she wouldn't give up her chicks so easily.She swooped and swerved to dodge the vicious beaks pecking at her feathers, they had no idea of what lay beneath them.Buried miles under the soil lay the last dragon egg,but Cradline had no time to think about what may lie beneath her wings.

She managed to fly past them,she dove straight to her nest,but was stopped by two ravens,the soldiers,guards and masters of the crows.

They chased her back to her original spot,but she swore not to go further away from her chicks.She went in a full on tussle with the ravens,her feathers flew everywhere

and one feather...

One lonely feather...

Fell down,down a hole in the ground,all the way to the cave of protection.where it touched the white egg and it cracked.out came a young beautiful white male....DRAGON

There he stood in the cave of protection,ready to fly out into the sky,in search of his flock.

While Cradline limps, humiliation,guilt and sorrow swarmed her she retreated. She had to live to see the day she returns,to save her chicks.

First chapter.Done

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