Bendy x Dragon!Reader

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I got inspired by Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid so lets get started!

"HIYAAAA!!!" you said while throwing your flaming powers.

"Woah how did you do that?" he replied.

"When your a dragon, everything's easy" you grinned.

"Well just to throw a pun in here, I guess you could say I'm dragoning with excitiment HAH!" He laughed.

"Ugh anyways lets go to starbucks." "Agreed."

-After the walk to starbucks-

"Man do I love starbucks..." you said while sipping your starbucks drink/coffee"

"Yeah it's good."  (Btw, they're friends)

After you two finished your drinks and threw them to the trash can. You walked to the streets of Japan since you both wanted to go to japan. Where it's packed with anime and beauitful sightings.

"Ah so peac- dude look! two girls are fighting over a purse!" you pointed at.

"lets sneakly watch!"


"hah its like a drama but real." "You could say that. And oh btw, that reminds me of my two feelings fighting over you."

"Well I guess you could say that while I'm here thinking if I love you or love you."

"Well I guess we're-" "Gf and bf"


"Btw, for my love here'a something!" "What is it-"

You grabbed his head and smashed it near that homemade fresh outta the oven, mud style.

"For your sins, you need a holy bath bendy." "Well that was surpising and happened quick.."

"Yeah butiguessyoucanttouchmewithyourflithlybodyahahah!" and finally ran off sonic style.

"OH NO YOU DONT!" he repiled.

AND BYE GUYSSS!!!!!!!!!!!

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