Sharing a Room Chapter 2

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(A/N thank you sooo much for reading my story. As I said in the previous chapter I have finally gotten round to editing this story and this chapter has been editied, however if you do see any mistakes please let me know and I will get round to fixing them. I am slowly working on the other chapters and will upload them as soon as I can)

Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby! 

Chapter 2

I stood there with my mouth open, shit what I have done. Parker was talking to me and shaking me but I wasn’t taking any notice of him I was scared about what my mum will do. "Lilly? Baby are you ok who was on the phone?" he asked "Lilly are you ok you're shaking... come on let’s get in the house". We started walking to the house "my.... mum was… on... the phone..." I attempted to get out but it came out panicked. "What did she want"? I took some many deep breathes I couldn't count. After one last deep breathes I managed to calm myself down "she wants me to go home so that she can help look after Hazel" tears started to roll down my checks, I don't want to go home I was happy, I was in a house where I was loved. "You’re not going to go back are you?" parker asked, I looked at him "of course am not, you idiot she bloody disowned me, she throw me out the house when I told her I was pregnant! Of course I am not going to go back home!" I yelled at him before exiting the car. I ran inside the house and up to the room which I share with him and his brothers. Once in the room, I closed the door behind me. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my arms on them. I buried my head in my arms and cried "am not going back. Am not going back, am not going back" I said over and over to myself.

*flashback - nine months ago*

I sat on Parker's bed with a pregnancy test in my hand. I was in a state of shock all, I was taking in was the word on the pregnancy test 'pregnant 4-5 weeks' Parker was pacing his room. "What are we going to do then?" I didn't register that he had spoken to me, I was too focused on the test in my hand. I'm pregnant! I’m only sixteen. The next thing I started to notice was that Parker was knelt on the floor in front of me " are we going to do" I looked at him, I wanted to be strong, I wanted to know what to say but I didn't. "I don't know" I managed to choke out, I was crying and I was scared. I tried so hard to be the perfect little girl my parents wanted. "I want to...keep it..." I said between tears. "You want to keep it" he looked surprised. I nodded my head and stood up; I grabbed my bag off the floor and walked out the door "where are you going?" Parker asked worried "to tell my parents, if I want to keep it, they need to know" my body was on auto pilot whilst my brain tried to catch up. I don’t even think I was thinking. By the time I go to my front door about a thousand ways to tell my parents went through my head, Parker stood behind me; he had one hand on my waist. I took seven deep breathes and opened the door. "Mum! Dad! Where are you?" I shouted as I walked in. "dads at work and am in the kitchen" my mum shouted back. I walked to the kitchen, Parker was still behind me.

I was scared; I could feel my whole body shaking. "mum…” I said weakly "darling what's wrong?” mum asked, I released the breath which I was didn't know I was holding in. "I am...we're...I’ve...." I couldn’t start the sentence of right. I took a deep breath and blurted it all out "I’mpregnantandit'sParker'sbaby" I could tell by the look on my mum's face, she didn't understand a word of what I said. I took in another deep breath "I’m pregnant and its Parker's baby" I said again but this time more clearly. I could literally see the anger grow in my mums face "YOU'RE WHAT!!!" she screamed at me "I’m pregnant" I said again, tears were forming in my eyes. I was terrified. I looked at my mum then to Parker, "get out! Get out my house, you are no longer my daughter" I was crying, she has disowned me? How? Why? "but mum?" I choked "no I'm not your mum anymore. NOW. GET. OUT OF. MY. HOUSE." She screamed at me. At this point my dad walked through the door "what’s with all the shouting" he asked, my mum throw her hands in the air and replied coldly "ask her" and pointed at me, tears were streaming down my face "daddy I’m pregnant" I said crying, my dad was a caring person. He stood there staring at the floor "get out" was all he said. He walked over to me and picked me up, he walked through the living room still holding me, I was screaming "put me down, please put me down!" I wasn't one for being lifted off the ground, he dropped me outside the front door and without even looking at me he closed the door. Before the door was completely close, my dad spoke "never come back, you are no long welcome, and you are not a relation to any of us" then he slammed the door.

*end of flashback*

 After about two hours of crying I stood up, I need to go and tend to my daughter and apologise to Parker. I walked over to my side of the room. The room was quite large, it had to be, Parker and his brothers shared it as well as me. I looked to their side of the room the walls were painted blue and the floor was a mess, I looked to my side with was painted a pinkish red colour that I chose, the floor was clean and everything was placed in its correct place. Next to my bed was a cot for Hazel, when we were decided where she would sleep all of Parker's brothers chimed in together "she's staying with you in our room" I looked at them, were they mad she would cry every four hours, before I could ask if they were sure Ryan said "she's our niece and we want her to stay in our room, we don't care if we get woken up every four hours" and they all agreed. I walked down the stairs to tend to Hazel as I could hear crying from upstairs. I could hear cooing coming from the front room do I followed it. It didn't register that it wasn’t Helen's voice and it wasn't any of Parker's brother or Parker himself, "you know Helen if you keep doing that you will start talking like that all the time" I said jokingly.

I walked in to the front room and saw that it wasn't Helen cooing at Hazel, but my mother, "sweetheart your mums here" Helen said behind me, I looked at my mum and replied in the same cold tone she used nine months ago "she's not my mum, I am not longer related to her and I want her out the house. NOW!" everyone stared at me, they had never seen my like this. I was always warm hearted and down to earth. "Parker please get our daughter off of this women and Ryan will you escort her out of the house before I throw her out" they were all stunned. Parker walked towards my mum and got Hazel, once he had Hazel in his arms, Ryan gestured for her to stand up and then he walked her towards the door. Once I knew she was gone I ran to Parker and got hold of Hazel, I cuddled her like it was the last time I would ever see her. I heard the door slam and Ryan walked back in "there you go Lilly. Are you ok?" I looked at him then back to Hazel "I’m fine thanks, I just don't want her in Hazel's life". My phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out and saw I had a text. 'Tht was stupid 2 do, I will b in my granddaughter's life + u can't stop me" it was off my mum. I looked at Hazel, the poor little girl; she was born into what felt like danger. My mum will not rest until I am home and she is in Hazel's life. Well she's met her match...

(A/N sorry if it seems short I was in a rush. Please comment and vote as I would like to know what you all think of my story. Thank you for reading and I will update soon. Love you all xx)

(p.s. comment whether you think I should do a Parker's point of view for the story or keep if as the way it is)

Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby!Where stories live. Discover now