I made it into the building just in time and turned to watch as the transport lifted off, it's tail end catching a gust that forced it back down, knocking bits of paint off the pad and no doubt damaging the tail of the craft. The flight controllers would likely be grounding all flights for the rest of the day as the front moved through. Had I taken just a little longer with Jackson, I would've been able to spend another night with him instead of this cesspool. Steeling myself, I turned back to reality and found the nearest elevator that would take me even further into the putrid sky to my father's penthouse.

Though the entire building was built from glass, the special coating my father had used for the outside turned the dusty atmosphere an even more ominous shade of red. The lift doors slid open and I stepped cautiously into the tiled foyer. My heels announced my arrival before I could and I heard my father beckon me from the back of his apartment where he kept an office. Dropping my bags at the door and smoothing my suit, I picked my head up and walked inside.

Carden Bishom was not a tall man, but he made up for his stature in build and presence. His black hair was puffed up in the front in a mock pompadour with the close-cut sides fading into perpetually manicured facial hair. The mustache and goatee framed his tiny, pinched mouth making his lips look even more severe, though his narrow eyes were surprisingly warm. He held out his arms to me and I stepped inside them.

"My darling girl. I am so happy you were able to make it down before the weather canceled flights." He held me out at arm's length to get a good look at me. Like I had any choice, I thought ruefully.

"It was a touchy landing, but you employ the best pilots."

"Well, with our line of work, they are a must. How is your own training going?"

"My instructor tells me I'm at the top of the class, but I think he's just afraid to say anything else."

"Nonsense! I've seen your test scores. He would be accurate in that assessment." Then why did you even ask me if you'd already seen my scores? I stared at the man before me as he took his seat and motioned for me to take mine. I waited for him to continue, afraid I would accidentally say something inappropriate if I opened my mouth. "Maybe I'll even take you on as my personal pilot until you've passed the financial certifications."

I lifted my eyebrows. The idea of being a pilot was much more appealing than working in his office by his side all day. Maybe if I could show enough skill there, he wouldn't force me into the business side. When the crow turns white, as my mother liked to say. Meaning I wasn't holding my breath.

"I would like that very much." I was careful not to let too much emotion into my voice, for fear he might take it away if he thought I was too excited about it. He sat back and smiled, pleased with my docility.

"Wonderful! I have a board meeting in a few minutes, but I wanted to make you aware of the schedule for the next few days." He slid a handheld viewer with an itinerary across the lacquered table. It was packed. "Now I don't want you to think that there won't be any free time. You will be able to see your friends in the evening, but as you know there is a lot of preparation for the Shareholder's Ball and I expect you to make a good impression as usual."

I stifled a laugh. Free time? Aside from this evening, the only free time I would have would be when I was asleep or in the bathroom, and even then I'd be guarded. "Of course. I know what a big deal this is for the company." My voice was a little too level, bordering on monotonous. He was too absorbed in his own schedule to notice.

"Perfect." He glanced at the clock on his desk. "As much as I'd love to have a visit with you, though, I must prepare for my meeting. Your apartment is ready for you." He stood and motioned me toward the door, following with his hand on my back. "I'll see you in the morning at your dress fitting." He kissed me on the temple as I waited for the lift. The doors slid open, revealing a tall, muscular man. His smooth, dark skin suggested a native Vespian, though he could have been from one of the more tropical zones on Lares. He regarded me with a hard look that was very familiar, though I couldn't place it. As we switched places, he ducked his head to acknowledge my presence.

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