Chapter 9

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Heyyy ! I'd like to thank all of you ! I  reached the 200 viewsplus the comments are really what motives me to write. I love you all ! I'm really sorry for being late but I'm kind of overwhelmed with my homeworks.

   Alec slowly opened his eyes as he felt a soft weight on his left side. As his eyes adjusted to the light entering the room he realised that the weight was no one but Magnus. His new boyfriend. The warlock was sleeping soundly in the younger's arms , Alec found the elder really handsome with no makeup,  glitter and his hair down,  it made him look really peaceful as he was sleeping. Alec started caressing the man's cheek which made him move a bit. Magnus opened one eye and smiled when he saw Alec.

"Good morning." Said Magnus in a hoarse voice.
"Morning" answered Alec. "Did you sleep well? "
"Amazingly !"

  The elder stood on his elbows and softly kissed Alec's lips. The younger crossed his arms around the warlock who added:

"I have some work to do this morning , so I guess we will have a class this afternoon."
"No problem,  then I'll just stay in bed."

  Alec answered burying his face in the other's hair.
   The two warlocks stayed like this a little longer enjoying each other's warmth and then Magnus stood up. He gave a peck on his boyfriend's forehead who fell asleep again. Magnus grabbed some clothes in the wardrobe and headed to the bathroom.

  After a moment he left the room fully  dressed in a deep green shirt and a pair of thight jean with his hair spiked and a bit of makeup. The warlock glanced at the mural clock and realised that it was almost 9 am and his first customer was coming in half an hour.

  Magnus poured himself a coffee and started preparing what he would need for the appointment.


  When Alec entered in the living room he found his boyfriend talking with a woman, none of them has noticed him yet so he continued watching at the scene. Magnus was really beautiful thought Alec. He then looked at the woman in front of his boyfriend and felt jealous. The woman was short with a caramel skin and curly blond hair. She was really pretty and was also flirting with Magnus. A flood of anger spread across Alec as he started heading to his boyfriend. Alec stopped behind the man and held him by the waist. Magnus started as Alec said smiling :

"Hey you"
"Morning sleeping beauty"

  Magnus answered with a wink which made Alec blush. He then glanced at the woman who was looking at them wide eyed and it made the young warlock smirk. He gently kissed Magnus's neck and then left to go to the kitchen. Smiling visibly proud of his impression toward the woman. He started pouring himself a coffee as he remembered that he had forgotten to tell about his new relationship to his sister. He took out his phone and wrote :

A: Guess what Iz !

  The answer came almost instantly.

I: I don't know , what is it Alec :/
A: You were right , he feels the same !
A: Can you not use caps please Iz , it's annoying. But thank you a lot , it's all because of you !
I: What can I say ? I'm amazing. So what happened?!

  At this moment Alec felt his cheeks burning and he almost choked on his coffee in front of Magnus who chuckled. Alec calmed down and started typing.

A: Well , when you left I told him about my feelings and he said that he felt the same. We kissed and I slept in his room.
I: You JuSt sLePt ? ;)

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