Chapter 8

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"Eden? Eeeeeden? Eden!" My little brother pokes me in bed, trying to wake me up.

I groan and check the clock, "Jack, it's only 7 am on a Saturday. Remember, you have to wait until it's 9 to wake me up on the weekends."

"Whoops, I forgot" he grins. I sigh and push myself out of bed. There's no way I can be mad at my brother.

"Well I guess now that I'm awake I could make pancakes for us"

"Yay! I love pancakes!" My brother does a silly jig, meaning he's excited. His brown curly hair flops around as he bounces up and down in his fluffy bunny slippers. He's one cute kid.

As we walk downstairs, Jack tells me how excited he is to be starting first grade with his new teacher next week. I smile at his enthusiasm. 

He tells me all about the new school supplies he's going to buy along with a new blue backpack he's always wanted.

"It's gonna be so cool and all my friends are going to love it"

"That's awesome..."

I trail off as we approach the bottom of the stairs. A weird groaning noise is coming from the kitchen, something unrecognizable that sounds very bizarre. 

"What is it, Eden?"

"I don't know Jack, let me go..."

Before I can finish, a brown figure leaps out the door and lands right on my brother. Flashes of color dance across my eyes as I watch the scene in horror.

I scream.


I wake up to the smell of antiseptic and the sound of a pulsing monitor. Where am I?

With great effort, I try to pry my eyes open. They feel sticky and heavy, like molasses. A harsh light shines straight down at me, and I have to blink a few times to adjust to the sudden brightness.

Ugh, I ache everywhere. For the life of me, I can't remember what happened or where I am. 

I try to sit up but suddenly gasp, realizing I can't move my body. My ribs feel cracked and my arms and legs are tight against the bed.

I try thinking back to what happened. I was with the guys, we were running, wolves, Alpha, falling. 

Oh crap

I try once again to get up but realize rather quickly that the main thing holding me down is gray straps wrapped around my arms and legs, tightly secured to the bed.

"Ugh" I groan out, pulling against the straps. All I want to do is get out of here but looks like I won't be escaping anytime soon. 

Things start to click as I look around at what seems to be an infirmary. White walls, bright lights, many cots, and lots of medical tools.

Suddenly a guy walks in wearing a white coat, resembling a doctor. I immediately tense up, never having met this man before.

"Oh good, you're up!" The man hurries over to the cart at the edge of my cot, scribbling down some notes.

"Who are you?" My voice sounds weak, but I manage to muster a confident aura.

"I'm Doctor Matthew, the official pack doctor."

The man speaks to me professionally but seems hesitant to look over or get close to me.

"Can I ask what your name is? The Alpha didn't know and I want to make sure..."


He smiles cautiously then writes more on his clipboard.

"Umm, what happened to me? I remember falling and all but was there something else? I don't remember, am I missing something?"

The doctor looks up from his notes. "Well, as you know, you fell from three stories up. Fortunately for you, Alpha Baylor's reflexes kicked in and he managed to grab you and cushion your fall."

The Alpha saved me?

A small part of me wants to feel thankful, but I dismiss the feeling, knowing he probably just did it as an instinct.

"Your injuries are pretty minor; a cracked rib, small concussion, and some little cuts from what appears to be glass"

Sounds about right. My chest has been hurting and it doesn't surprise me that I got a concussion as well.

Just as I was about to ask the doctor to undo the straps holding me down, the infirmary door slams open followed by an anxious Alpha.

"You're awake!"

The Alpha rushes over to me but slows down seeing the confused look on my face. If what the doctor was saying is true about the Alpha cushioning my fall, how is he appearing perfectly fine with no injuries?

The Alpha understands my look, "I'm a werewolf, sweetheart. I can't be hurt that easily." 

I give him a dirty look, "Let me go"

He comes along my side the leans in close to my face so all I can see are his black eyes. "Never"

"LET ME GO!" I scream and kick, trashing against the straps. My ribs hurt badly at the sudden movement but I will do whatever it takes to get away from him.

"Eden stop! Baylor, hold her still or she's going to hurt herself"

I feel a pair of strong arms holding me down, but I continue to fight against them.

"I will NOT stay here, and if you don't let me go RIGHT now so help me..."

I continue to pull against the straps but because my body's in such a weak state, my movements become more weak.

The arms holding me down eventually disappear and I feel my body begin to relax. I try to control my breathing and heart rate to keep myself from having an anxiety attack.

The room stays quiet as I calm myself down. I use my anger to calm me down, knowing I might have a better chance of getting out of here if I act calm. When I open my eyes, I see two black eyes staring back.

"Your name's Eden?"

I nod. A huge smile spreads across the Alpha's face and he looks so happy for a minute, I almost forget what he is. I have to remind myself that all these creatures are mean and heartless animals.

"Looks like you'll be stuck with me, little mate. And from the looks of it, I'm going to need to keep a constant eye on you"


Hi guys!

More excitement to come in the following chapters. But for now, will Eden continue to fight and run away from Baylor, her mate? Will she ever learn to love a werewolf after everything they've done to her?

Again, I appreciate all the reads and votes from you guys!


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