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"You have to hurry home as soon as possible." Gia says as Jase and I walk to the door.

I laugh. "I know. You've only reminded me like... 10 times this morning."

She smiles sheepishly. "I'm sorry its just exciting."

I'm officially three and a half months pregnant ...

With twins.

Not really a shocker. I kinda of figured  it would happen. Jase and I are finding out the gender of them with a gender reveal. I know its cliche but that's the fun in it. We got two of those glass baseball thingies with the powder inside. Jase is going to hit one and I'm throwing the other since I trued hitting a baseball and failed. Fort three times. Anyways.

"We'll come home as soon as possible I swear." Jase says to her and kisses her cheek before rushing me out the door.

"She was giving me anxiety." I say walking to the car.

"Same." Jase says as we both slide into the car.

"I really wish my mom was here." I say thinking if her.

"I know you do but look at it this way, she would have wanted you to be happy. You're happy right because I did jot just marry you two months ago for nothing." He says with a cheeky smile.

I can't help but smile and nod. "I love you."

"I know you do."


"Wes watch it!" I squeal as he throws one of the baseballs in the air.

He laughs. "Chill Hay."

"I don't want you to break it and know the sex of my baby before your brother now keep waking." I order.

Wes throws it again and catches it and takes off.

"Wesley!" I yell and groan as I open the back door.

Everyone is awaiting anxiously for the news. Jase swings the baseball bat as a practice.

"You ready, babe?" I ask him and he nods.

"Okay guys were starting!" I announce.

Everyone's attention skids over to Jase and I. I hand Jase a ball.

"Okay in three, two, one."

Jase throws the ball and hits it the same time I throw it against the pavement. We both look at the splat of color on the ground and I'm beaming. Two twin girls.

"Well look at that." Jase says throwing an arm across my shoulders as he gazes at the pink sprinkled around the yard. "Two girls."

"This is absolutely perfect."

"Finally!" Everleigh says dramatically. "I'm not the only girl."

I laugh and smile at her.

"I'm gappy for you guys." Jack says and judges my shoulder.

"Thanks Jack." I say.

"Okay this is a toast!" Gia says handing out glasses of sparkling grape juice since I can't have alcohol.

"To Jason and Haylee and their two children. May their family grow into a beautiful happy and healthy one." Jase says raising his glass.

"To Haylee and Jason!" Everyone else says and clinks their glasses together.


Five months later-August (Sorry for the time jump)

"Are you positive you want me to do this?" Margo asks me.

I nod. "The twins are just going to pull at it when they're born anyways just do it quick." I say and shit my eyes tight.

I her the slice of the scissors. I yelp and peak at my reflection. My hair is still in its waves except it stops flight below my shoulders.

"You hate it." Margo concludes putting the scissors down and walking away.

"Margo, no, it just, different. That's all. I don't hate it. Just way shorter looking on me." I say fluffing it and sighing.

"Ypu look like a soccer mom." She snickers and I gape at her.

"I do no-" I'm cut short by a sharp pain in my stomach . "Ah, that hurts."

"Haylee, are you okay?" Margo asks alarmed.

"I'm good." I say with my hand on my stomach and the other clutching the chair.

"Are you sure that wasn't a contraction?" She asks.

"Margo, no. I'm not die for another month." I point out and push my self up. I take a swig of water.

"That doesn't mean anything. I was born a month and a half early." She points out.

"Margo they were just kicking chill." I tell her.

"Fine." She says and sigh.

"Let's go watch that movie now." I sag and we go and head downstairs.

We go I to the living room and I sit next to Jase and Margo sits next to jack. Yeah him and Tara broke up and apparently that's a thing now.

"Are you okay?" Jase asks. As a suck air between my gritted teeth.

"Peachy." I hiss.

"Haylee, are you going into labor?" Jack asks.

"I uh don't. Owww!" I screech. "Yeah Maybe I am."

"I'll help you I'm the car." Jase says. "Margo get Haylee's overnight bag and Jack call mom and the others."

He nods and Margo runs up stairs.

"Come on Hay." Jase says helping me.

we manage to make it to the car. Gia and Mike said they'd meet us there with the kids. Wes is driving home from OU now so he should be back on time.

I'm going to be a mom.

The Future With My Andrews Boy(SEQUEL TO THE ANDREWS BOYS AND ME)Where stories live. Discover now