💀💀💀the signs and spoilers💀💀💀

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Recommended by oncer_for_life_23
Aries: never reads/ watches anything so there's nothing to spoil

Taurus: *shrieks*

Gemini: " How could you do this to me.......I thought we were friends......I..I..can never forgive you for what you've taken from me.."

Cancer: *engages middle finger overdrive*

Leo: * is to salty for spoilers*

Virgo: * is completely dead inside and doesn't give 2 suits about anyone anymore*

Libra: " I wrote a song to describe my feelings....it's called 'Im wallowing in a puddle of hate and loathing and I want to slap you in your bitch ass face' by 21 pilots"

Scorpio: " fffffffffffffff uuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!"

Sagittarius: " annndddddd iiiiiiiieeeeeeiiiii willll alllwwayyyyssss hatttteeeee yoooooouuuuuu!"

Capricorn: *stabs self in kidney*

Aquarius: " kill the spare." *Shanks the traitor with a squirrel*

Pisces: *sobs and rocks back and forth in a puddle of tears*

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