the signs at a sleepover

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Aries: *is sleeping at 8:30pm*

Taurus: has eaten all the junk food and is slowly bloating in a corner

Gemini: *suggesting games and movies that no one is listening to*

Cancer: "sugar rush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Leo: *plotting murder of Cancer*

Virgo: * is playing truth or dare with Libra and Sagittarius and having to do all the gross dares*

Libra: * is playing truth or dare and is spilling all their secrets*

Scorpio: *leaves sleepover s!uggling chips with them*

Sagittarius: *is watching a movie at extremely loud volume/ pretending to play truth or dare*

Capricorn: sadly contemplating a smushed chip

Aquarius: wasn't invited but is there anyway for some reason

Pisces: never came

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