Treat Yourself Right!

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We all struggle and suffer from not being heard and being treated the way we all want to be treated and for me, I'm also one of those people.

Yeah I'm someone who struggles or well doesn't get heard by others due to stigma, stubbornness, selfishness, blindness, and ignorance. And maybe some other things. I am defintiely not like anyone else and that's how I like it. I don't care what others think of me anymore like I had for years.

Years ago I found myself constantly wanting and seeking for everyone's approval, validation and to do, be, achieve, act and think like everyone else wants me to. Yet it never occurred to me until some point in my recovery with depression that I could set myself free from that by start working on achieving progress with being more validated by my own choices and beliefs rather than seeking validation from others and caring what others think.

Which this has affected how I see myself along with many or all of the choices I have made up till I started working on caring more about what I think about myself more than what others think. And I gotta comment on my results as hard work yet amazing and worthwhile!

The Impossible Life Made Simpleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें