One Step At A Time

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The Secret Ingredient For World Peace
☮️ That one piece that's been missing for us all!

Well hello there! Today is a new day! And it's time to learn some new things that many of you may not already know or have learned yet; or rather to say: figured out yet.
To state what the main topic of this article is; I would like to introduce you to the "secret ingredient for world peace" as it reads in the title. The purpose of writing this article is to share with all my current and new followers my gained knowledge and realization of the missing ingredient to achieving world peace.

For so many years, I've wondered how I can do my part in achieving world peace. And it really came to wonder over the years. It wasn't until sometime into my mental health recovery that brought me to the realization and discovery of that missing piece. And that is well what I'm going into next.

To start explaining my story of how I came to discover the missing piece to uncovering and achieving world peace; I'm gonna start at the beginning of my story. It all started at a certain point into my mental health recovery with depression where I had achieved more than enough self love in loving myself unconditionally. Later it occurred to me that after I had achieved enough self love for myself, achieving some amount of inner peace (not being at war with myself, loving myself rather than hating myself and feeling ugly and uncomfortable in my own skin; that I had found the missing piece and the way to successfully know how to do my part in achieving world peace.

You gotta love yourself enough and be at peace with yourself to be able to know how to express that for the world and treat others and the world with kindness, peace, and other things to get healthier and kinder results in return. When you treat others with kindness, some people will be kind back, but don't expect everyone to be kind, they all aren't loving themselves enough nor are at peace with themselves to know to treat others with respect, kindness, care and with manners.

If you want others to treat you with respect, don't you think you should treat them the way you want to be treated? Get what I'm saying here? Almost or everything really does link to one thing to another. Kinda like a chain reaction.

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