Keep Going

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To share my insights, experiences, and knowledge on how I've worked on shouting to fight for what I want, I gotta say that it was not one ounce easy. And yeah before I even started working as of Day One of my mental health recovery with depression, I gave up easily and gave in easily. But once I started on my long and never-ending journey, I began to work on becoming stronger and gradually gain more knowledge as each day passed with not giving up no matter how hard life is and how unfair it may appear from time to time.

Yeah I struggled, and had many failed attempts but along the way, I learned from my experiences and kept growing and learning. And for that and many other things, I've become a better and mature person. Way more mature than my sister, like one of my managers from Walmart commented. Her name is Amanda who also managed my sister during the two years she worked at Walmart. And Emily asked Amanda who she thought was older, she said me. And Emily asked why she believed I was older; she said because I appeared to her as more mature than Emily! You got that right!

When your life purpose is lined with your talents and your inner intentions, first off nothing can stop you. – Deepak Chopra

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