Try Again

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So many of us look at things in life from the wrong point of view. We end up looking at it in a negative view. And at some point, that leads to some mental health issues. And one of them being that it would train or teach your kids or other people that you may spend time with to look at things in a negative point of view only.

I'm speaking about this because it's true, it's possible though it can be prevented. If you have anyone that you may know like parents who have this kind of thinking, (and I know when I say this, I speak from my own experiences) do your best to retrain your brain to focus more on the positives of each moment. Regardless of whether your parents choose to stop thinking that way, it's not your responsibility. Your responsibility is taking care of you and making all the right choices for you.

Even if that means not listening nor following the things they want you to do that have lead or been part of their negative thinking/point of views, you are doing the right thing by listening to yourself and not them. And even when they say that you are being: stubborn, selfish, ignorant, and other names, you know yourself and you know what's best for you. Your parents don't know what's truly best for you yet, give it time.

But if you want to start with the journey to path to a healthier lifestyle and mindset for your parents, I'd only suggest trying to inspire that kind of change. And by that I mean: remember the 5 steps to end the stigma around mental illness?

1. Language Matters
2. Listen & Ask
3. Be Kind
4. Educate Yourself
5. Talk About It

These are the 5 steps to ending the stigma around mental illness. And trust me it works, and for other things too because it's all mental. It's all part that we use with our brain. Our brain is so important. If it weren't for our brain, we wouldn't be alive, so I think plenty enough that it makes plenty sense to take better care of it then the rest of society who appear to be acting with the stigma and not against it.

So back to talking about when our parents are living with a negative mind, rewording it in different words; when I say inspire change here. I mean: inspire it in a way that doesn't end up being expressed in a demanding tone. Remember: Stage 1: language matters! And by that it means everything: words, tone, actions and perspective are all part of that. Actions before and even after count. So if you want someone to change, inspire it, but be cautious and mindful of catching yourself in the midst of demanding that something.

If you want someone to change, you can only inspire it and leave the rest to them regardless of how hopeless and the small chances of them actually catching and remembering your inspirational words and putting them into action for themselves. Because changing oneself is one's responsibility and theirs only. You are only responsible for yourself. You should't try to take responsibility for someone unless if its for a baby or some kind of scenario like that.

At some point and at some age for kids as they grow up, you gotta let go of who you want them to be and all else and let them be whoever they wanna be and do whatever they wanna do. Let them make mistakes and let them learn from their mistakes on their own, at their own pace. Don't bother them in a way that acts or shows like you are responsible for them like that. Teach them, inspire them but don't demand them.

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