Chapter 12: The Question

Start from the beginning

Belle's eyes widened in alarm and she managed to cry out, "NO, Tink!"

But it was too late, Merlin's expression changed when his brows furrowed deeply and tilted his chin upward slightly. Belle could see in the man's brown eyes that he was thinking deeply and her spine chilled. Her entire body began to shudder and her teeth clattered lightly. She could hear it already. A firm No is what he would say, or perhaps he would say what she already knew, that only Empress Rhiannon would have her answer.

When Merlin spoke, Belle nearly fell to her knees in despair.

"I do not know of a way to give each of you your own bodies," the wizard said softly.

For what felt like hours, which was mostly likely mere seconds, there was deep silence. Belle's eyes gazed at Merlin but they didn't see him. Instead they saw a life where her and Adam lived in relative happiness in a kingdom that accepted who they were. It would be a wonderful life but in the end, it would never feel complete. It would never be what both she and Adam wanted fully. The man she loved would forever be there for her, and yet, as close as he was, he may as well be across the world. Belle's eyes began to moisten and she didn't care.

At least, she thought, searching for some dim light in the encompassing darkness, I have my answer now.

"Weep not," Merlin said with a gentle smile. "I may not know a way but I do know of someone who could perhaps aid you in your plight."

Belle's eyes dropped to the ground. "Empress Rhiannon will want nothing to do with us after we fought her troll army."

"I do not speak of the empress," Merlin said with a distinct brightness in his eyes.

Belle's head lifted slowly, an eyebrow raised in question.

Merlin gestured her to follow him and she did, the wizard taking his time to elaborate. They walked down the narrow forest road in silence, the old man pausing often to inspect various plants and, to Tinkerbelle's disgust, animal droppings.

As if to himself, he mumbled, "The balance tilts ever further to chaos..."

"Is something wrong?" Belle heard Tinkerbelle ask the wizard, the fairy buzzing right next to his ear.

Merlin nodded once. "The balance of magic sways more unsteadily each passing day. Some plants are finding it more difficult to retain life and certain animals that rely on them are feeding themselves on less nutritious vegetation, which will affect their populations in due time. Nature requires constant and unyielding balance and I fear it is failing more rapidly than I initially realized."

"Is he ignoring us?" Beast growled within Belle's head.

Belle, growing hot with frustration, cleared her throat and struggled to calm her voice. The suspense was eating away at both Adam's and her own patience. "It is disturbing to hear about that, Merlin, but could you perhaps...explain what you meant?"

Merlin stood up, winced as he arched his back, and glanced back at Belle. "I did not forget about your predicament, dear Belle. The balance of nature, however, is far more pressing of an issue."

"So you won't tell us?" Belle blurted in near panic.

"I did not say that," he replied calmly.

Belle exchanged a confused glance with Tinkerbelle, who hovered between the two of them. What was this old man getting at? Did he know someone who could help her or did he not?

"His name is Edward," he said as he began walking once more. "Edward Jekyll. He is a talented alchemist and has spent his life studying the sciences of the world, the other man-made magic aside from Arcane, which is a true magic. I met him once during my travels to survey the mystical balance of the world. He spoke to me of an experiment he was developing, one that would allow humans to harness their more generous and selfless sides and banish their primitive and more aggressive side. He believed that all humans could be saved from war, crime, and terror by this ambition creation of his. I told him that such a thing, however well-intentioned as it was, would fail."

Merlin stopped and brushed a shriveled leaf hanging from one of the nearby trees. He stroked his fingers gently over its surface, his face expressionless, until a small smile crept on his lips and he continued walking. "It is just a stubborn autumn leaf refusing to fall. No corruption to be found." He cleared his throat and then continued. "Now, as for Edward Jekyll, he did not understand that humans have no good or evil sides. All humans are capable of cruelty and greatness, some more than others. Despite my warning, he followed through with his experiment, using himself as a test subject.

"As I predicted, it failed utterly. Instead of banishing his so-called primitive side, he gave life to his darker self. Much like you and Beast, he now shares his body with his darker and more aggressive self, who dubbed himself Mr. Hyde. I have never met Mr. Hyde but I have heard that he is monstrous, cruel, cunning, and fearless. As far as I know, the two men share one body and are constantly fighting for its control. If there is someone in this world that can understand your desires, it is Edward Jekyll. He, above all else, may be able to help you for unlike he, you truly have another being living alongside you."

"Edward Jekyll," Belle mouthed. "He is the man we must find! Do you know where he lives?"

Merlin inhaled deeply and gave Belle a troubling expression. "Unfortunately, he resides deep within Noyr, in one of its central provinces. You would need to traverse deeply into enemy territory if you wished to seek him out now. I would wait until war's end if I were you."

Belle understood the reasoning behind that and nodded. "Yes, of course..."

And yet, now that she knew of someone who could offer her and Adam some real help, she worried the waiting would become unbearable. For all she and Adam knew, the war could go one for many years.

"We've waited this long already, Belle," Adam reasoned. "What's a few more years?"

Torture, was Belle's mental reply.

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