"Pete, what can you tell us about him? Is he a good kid?" Steves question just made Peter even more upset, Percy was a really cool guy. He had that awesome girlfriend Annabeth, who you could tell he loved more than anything. Peter suddenly realized how cool Percy really was, yeah he got in trouble quite a bit, but he had reasons. He once got detention for punching a kid in the nose, but that kid had been bullying a younger boy. He also got in trouble for fighting with a boy for not leaving a girl alone.

"He is. Well, he got in trouble a lot, but it was always for a good reason. It was always him standing up to bullies, or assbag jocks that were messing with people," Peter scowled as he thought of the awful people at his school. People as in Flash, the people who though they could run all over people who were smaller tha him.

"Are you friends with him?" Natasha asked, pushing herself off of the door, and she strolled over to where Percy was laying. She looked at him like a predator looks at prey. Peter suddenly found himself licking his lips with his nerves.

"Well kinda, I mean we've talked, and stuff." Peter began nervously wringing his hands. Once again the group shared a silent look that went way over Peters head. He sighed, wishing he could read their expressions. Tony began wordlessly digging through Percys pocket. He pulled out a wallet, some change, and a ballpoint pen. Which is weird, who carries a ballpoint pen in their pocket?

"What teenager carries a pen anymore?" Tony scowled in confusion, he turned the pen over in his hand, there was a single word inprinted into the side of the pen. Anaklusmos.

"What does that mean?" Peter asked pointing at the word, Tony flipped over the pen to look at the word indented into the pen in a bronze color.

"I'll look it up, but you are going to tell us more about Percy." Tony pointed at Peter before turning around and began typing into the computer. Peter sighed, he didn't want to answer any more questions.

"Peter are you sure that this guy isn't bad? He literally was able to manipulate that water to his will. That isn't normal." Natasha placed her hand on Peter shoulder.

"And I can stick to any surface. No one is normal here, I just don't understand why you are trying to lock this guy up, when you can be recruiting him!" Peter found himself pacing, on the ceiling. He hadn't even realized he was upside down. The others sat in shocked silence, they hadn't even thought about it like that. The only sound was Tony clicking at the keyboard.

"What is up with this kid and Greek stuff? This word is Greek, it translate to Riptide. Which I guess makes sense seeing as he can control water, but why would he have a pen with Riptide wrote on it. " Just as Tony finished speaking something began beeping. It was Tony's blood tested that he had run on Percy. He shoved away from the desk so that his wheelie chair hit the other desk where he began reading the test. "What the actual hell? His blood is fifty percent undetermined substance? That is impossible!" Tony began frantically clicking through the data. As he was clicking away, Peter dropped from the ceiling and walked over to the other desk. He began reading through the stuff about Anaklusmos. There was a second page about something actually named Anaklusmos. Peter clicked over to the page, as he read his eyes grew wide.

He looked down at the pen. No way. Peter thought, he looked back up at the screen and continued reading about a sword in Ancient Greek Mythology that was able to transform to its owner, and hid itself into different forms. Peter went to pick up the pen only for his hands to clasp air. The pen was gone, he scowled in confusion, he began looking under the things for the pen. It was no where to be found, Peter scratched his head in confusion. Just as he was about to ask if anyone had taken it, Tony began yelling again. He was complaining about someone messing up his equipment.

"Who has been messing with my stuff!" Tony yelled whipping around, he began shouting at everyone accusing them of messing his stuff up. While this was happening, Peter heard a groan, he looked over to Percy. Who was beginning to shuffle, and groan, Peter panicked. He tried getting the others attention, but they only ignored him.

"Peter, not now." They all waved him off. Peter finally looked over to see Percy beginning to open his eyes. He cursed internally, and jumped on his toes.

"GUYS!" Peter yelled as loud as he could, which made Percy's eyes open all the way. They began flipping everywhere in panic, and confusion.

"What Peter!" Tony and Steve yelled in unison, they gasped simultaneously once their eyes landed on Percy.

"He's...uh...awake." Peter stumbled out. That was the last thing anyone could comprehend before the plumbing exploded, and a bronze sword was slashed through the air.

Hello readers! Thank you again for reading this book, I know I do not update nearly enough. I apologize, and hope you continue to read anyway! The next chapter should be soon, and enjoy. Well see you all in the next chapter!


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