Chapter Seven

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"Ash, are you okay?" I worriedly asked.

"I don't know... If I can go on... My brain's completely fried..." Ash said.

Though I have a feeling that he was only partially faking it.

So, I took a deep breath, before picking Ash up. He wasn't too heavy, but not light either.

After carrying Ash a couple of steps, Ash stood up.

"Okay, I can walk myself now. Don't want to break my best friend's back." Ash said.

I wouldn't admit it to Ash, but I'm glad I didn't have to carry Ash anymore. I have a feeling he would've broken my back... Not because he's heavy, but because I'm too weak.

"So, shall we head to history?" I asked.

"Sure; lead the way, Clemont." Ash said, while motioning with his hands for me to take the lead.

I nodded, before leading Ash to history.

When we arrived at Mrs. Xina's class, she sat Ash on the completely other side of the classroom of my seat.

... Just my luck...

As I sat down, I noticed that Sun, the student next to me, looked very deep in thought.

Now I don't know much about Sun, because he's so reserved, but I know that he normally NEVER does any deep thinking.

Even when Mrs. Xina started to teach her lesson, it didn't snap Sun back into reality. I hope he's doing okay.

As I was doing my class assignment, I heard Sun sign.

Despite not knowing Sun very well, I feel like I should see what's wrong. After all, we outcasts must stay together.

True, Sun may be an outcast because he chose to be, and my circumstances are because I'm considered a nerd and freak that's totally obsessed with his inventions, but still... We must stick up for one another!

"Hey Sun, is something wrong?" I whispered.

Sun turned to me, seemed shocked that I was talking to him. But he soon did reply.

"Moon confessed to me that she likes me more than just a friend. But I don't feel the same way about her. I'm just worried that this will ruin our relationship." Sun explained.

That must be why Moon was crying earlier...

"That must be rough. Sorry to hear that." I said.

"Do you two have something that you'd like to share?" I heard Mrs. Xina say.

Everyone turned to us two.

"N-No! Nothing at all!" Sun stuttered.

"Sorry for intruding." I apologized.

Mrs. Xina nodded, before going back to her work.

I turned to Sun, and muttered, "I'm sorry."

Sun didn't respond. He didn't even look at me.

Poor guy... I hope everything goes well for him and Moon.


After history class ended, I walked up to Ash.

"Please tell me that that class was the last class?" Ash begged.

"It is." I stated.

Ash's face showed pure happiness.

"Really?! Yay! School's finally over!" Ash exclaimed.

"Do you need me to walk you to your locker before your basketball practice starts?" I asked.

"Sure; that'd be great. Thanks!" Ash said.

I then led Ash out of the classroom, and headed towards his locker.

"Clemont... Thanks for everything that you've done for me today." Ash said, as we arrived at his locker.

"You don't need to thank me, Ash." I stated, not used to people being nice to me.

"Yes, I do. People don't appreciate the things that you do. I think that it's about time someone did so." Ash said.

As Ash said that, I felt a blush creeping up.

"I-I don't know what to say..." I admitted.

"You don't have to say anything. And I hate to ask this... But... Would you mind helping me open my locker? I can't seem to get it open!" Ash asked in frustration.

I nodded, before helping Ash open his locker.

"Thanks Clemont." Ash said, before getting everything that he needed.

"Think nothing of it." I said.

"Well, see you tomorrow, Clemont!" Ash said, as he closed his locker.

"Yeah, see you." I said, before walking away.

As I was walking towards my locker, events from today replayed in my mind. And I soon realized what all of my weird actions meant; that I've fallen for Ash.

I haven't fallen for anyone in forever, so it's only natural that it'd take me a while to recognize that feeling.

I'm on cloud nine, as well in the depths of my own despair right now.

I'm excited to have that giddy feeling that comes with love, but afraid of being rejected, and torn apart by love.

All these things I thought about as I arrived at my locker, grabbed my things, and headed home.

Man... My home's so far away... Perhaps I should probably get to work on my newest project...

Later, my fellow readers! =^-^=

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