

"Harry, wake up!"

I jolt awake to being shaken violently on my shoulder. My eyes flash open and I sit up quickly, trying to make sense of what's going on and why was I being awaken so suddenly. I rub my eyes, looking around and see Louis standing at the edge of my bed looking urgent. Something must be wrong.

"W-what is it Lou?" I ask, voice groggily from sleep.

"Those guys, they're back and they're causing havoc in downtown." Louis says. My eyes widen and I nod, quickly jumping up from my bed. Louis grabs my hand and flashes downstairs using the stairwell. We meet up with the others in the car. A car that has maximum speed and can get us anywhere in a jiff.

Liam has the car already on as Louis and I hop in

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Liam has the car already on as Louis and I hop in. He takes off without a word, trying to get there as soon as we could. Within the time span of five minutes we arrive. There's cars destroyed, windows in buildings and shops shattered, screaming pedestrians, and small fires covering the streets. My eyes widen.

"Guys.." I mumble. Liam turns around to eye all of us with a serious face.

"Listen, we don't know these people or what they're capable of us, so we need to be careful and not take any unnecessary risk, yeah? Louis, you get these people out the way as quick as you can so no one gets hurt, Niall, Harry, we're going to put this destruction to a stop and Louis will join us when he can." Liam explains to us. We all nod at his instructions, and Louis is out of the car in a flash, zooming up and down the streets to collect to few people who were in the way and taking them away to a safer place.

The three of us quickly get out of the car and go after the people responsible for the destruction. Right in the middle of the city, it's the same people we faced the other day. Same attire, same terrible desires. This had to stop before they tore apart all of downtown. They were laughing as they watched people scream and run for their lives. It was horrible for someone to take humor from someone else's fear.

My eyes begin to glow as I build energy inside of me, before I shoot a ray of energy at one of my target. He's taken off guard and gets blasted away, falling onto the ground groaning in pain. I walk over to him, my eyes still glowing. His eyes widen and he quickly holds his arm out, clenching his fist. Something around his wrist makes a red, lava like glow.

"Come any closer, I'll turn you into ash!" He warns. I ignore his warning, walking closer holding out a ball of energy against him. Then he fires. I quickly side step, the red substance missing me by inches. I shoot another ray at him but he rolls out of the way just in time, shooting back. I fall back, dodging again.

He stands onto his feet and I cartwheel over to him, jabbing him in the torso harshly, causing him to fall back down again. Then I stomp on his wrist, making him cry out as I crush the device on his wrist, making it useless. I grab him by the collar of his shirt.

"You won't be destroying anything else tonight." I tell, then I draw my fist back knocking him out. I get up, shaking my hand out. That should keep him down until we get this under control. Suddenly, I am tackled roughly onto the ground taken by surprise. I scream, trying to wrestle to guy off of me.

We roll around, trying to gain dominance. But in the end, he ends up with his hands pinning  mine down painfully onto the wet pavement beneath me. They he smirks, and just like the other guy he has a little device on his wrist that projects a bright red light of some type of substance.

He holds it point blank to my face and I quickly slap his hand away lunging my knee and driving it into his stomach. He grunts and rolls off of me. I push him onto his stomach, twisting his arm behind his back. He shouts and wriggles, trying to get away. I quickly blast the device around his wrist, taking it into tiny broken pieces, before letting go. He turns around, wide eyed.

"You little bitch, you destroyed my thermal blaster!" He growls.

"Just like you destroyed half of downtown, I think that's fair." I say. He gets angry and comes after me, trying do a leg sweep, but I move out the way and quickly counter, kicking him right in the face hard and knocking him out cold.

There is a bright flash of light, making me see colors all of a sudden. I rub my eyes, turning around trying to see where it came from. I look up and gasp, seeing it's the same man from the Wayne's company heist. He's hovering high in the air, the flames shooting from the side of his boots keeping him in flight. His hooded figure, dark and dangerous looking.

Thunder erupts from the sky violently, as he starts to lower himself to the ground. I clench my fists, balls of energy ready to go as he settled on the ground. The guys are also watching him, ready to fight. Five other guys come up behind the hooded figure, making it six against four, but it didn't phase us. We just needed to fight. They just stand there, observing us, almost in a taunting manner.

Liam takes a step closer.

"C'mon, what are you waiting for?!" He yells at them angrily, mainly towards the leader.

"Show yourself!" Louis yells.

Still, they stand still, not saying a word.

"Who are you? Why are you destroying the city?!" Liam asks.

"Show yourself you bastard, don't hide in the shadows. Fight us in plain sight." Niall hisses. I stay quiet, waiting for something to happen.

And it does.

The hooded figure walks forward, stepping out of line of his men. Jolts of electricity sparking through him as he takes a few steps forward and stops a few feet away from us. He stands there quietly for a few moments, before he slowly lifts his hands up and grabbing the edges of his hood.

Slowly, he pulls the large hood from his head, revealing himself before dropping his hands.

My heart nearly stops in my chest.

There he was, standing right in front of my eyes. The man who betrayed us, before disappearing for nearly two years and leaving my heart in a thousand tiny pieces. Someone who I thought I'd never see again. Water rushes to the surface of my eyes.



𝘱𝘴, 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 » 𝘻𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺  (𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦𝘥)Where stories live. Discover now