chapter fifty two

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I watched Harry as he slept peacefully next to me. His body snug against mine, slightly curled. His lengthy hair fell over his face, glimmering slightly with the sun peaking through the window. The blanket was slightly pulled down from his body, revealing a baby blue shirt that only covered only half his upper body, leaving his stomach exposed, matching shorts peaked out from underneath the blanket. I had always admired Harry's little feminine side. He looked beyond beautiful in women's clothing. He wasn't always like that. When we first met, he wore simply 'male' clothing. He'd only started wearing feminine clothing a little after he joined the team. He never explained why, it just happened.

But he looked beautiful just the same and I didn't judge.

He was obviously tired from having stayed up all night with me last night. We stayed up, talking for hours about nothing, watching movies, stuffing our faces with junk, cuddling and kissing. He was the only person I didn't mind losing sleep over. I feel so lifted with him, elated. He was the highlight of my day, my very life. How lucky was I to have ever come in contact with such a blessing. Had I wished upon a star to be rewarded with such a perfect being? It was so amazing to have him around once more. To have him be mine again and I couldn't screw it up again. I couldn't let the same thing happen again, I had to fight for not only him, but for me, for us. I wasn't going to let some evil, power hungry criminal take this away from me. Not my happiness, and certainly not the love of my life.

I continued watching him sleep soundly, before dipping down and chastely pressing a kiss onto his plush cheek. He stirs in his sleep beginning to wake up. His face scrunches up adorably and I cuddle watching him. His eyes flutter open slowly, eyes scanning the room trying to process everything before they land on me. Slowly, a lazy grin creeps onto his lips, and he let's out a subtle sigh. "Good morning Z."

"Morning baby." I greet, running my fingers through his hair again, loving how soft and smooth they were against my skin. Harry hums softly, closing his eyes in pleasure as I massaged his scalp.

"How long have you been awake?" he asked once he opened his eyes again.

"Maybe twenty minutes." I tell him. He raises an eyebrow.

"Did you lay there and watch me the whole time?" He asked. I smile cheekily.

"I'm sorry, your beauty has me so enamoured. I couldn't look away." Harry giggles, pushing me away playfully.

"Why do you have to be such a sap?"

"Hush, you love it." I teased, leaning forward to kiss him. Unfortunately, Harry dodges and I end up kissing his cheek instead. I growl playfully, narrowing my eyes at him. He smiles at and sticks his tongue out at me. That is when we both break out into play fighting with one another. Rolling all over the bed trying to gain control of one another while contagious laugher escaped us. It reminded me of how we were before. We always use to play fight, making each other laugh until we were out of breath, and it only lead to us making out until we were blue in the face. We cuddle get enough of one another. I still couldn't get enough of him. He was so addicting, it felt like going through withdrawal when I was away from him those years.

I manage to get him underneath me, pinning his hands above his head. We're both panting while Harry gets out the last of his laughs before realizing the position we're in. I was settled on top of him, between his legs, hands pinned down and both panting heavily. He blushes, looking away from my intense gaze. I smirk, leaning down planting a chaste kiss on his cheek. Harry turns his head back to look up at me as I hovered over him. His cheeks were cherry red, flush and warm. Green eyes twinkling with a trace of shyness hidden in them. I remove one of my hands that's holding his hands hostage, placing it gently on his cheek, stroking softly against the smooth skin.

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