chapter five

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The drive back home was silent, it was almost like the walk of shame. We'd been defeated once again by him and disappointed our people. Half of downtown was completely wrecked all because we didn't have the strength to bring him down quick enough, or bring him down at all. He left on his own account, not because we made him. Who knows how long we would've stayed down there if he had continued on with his destructive behavior.

I was still in an incredible amount of shock. After two long years of him being gone, not hearing a peep out of him, not even seeing him, thinking that he was gone forever. Just like that, he's back. Not even back for the good reasons. He had completely changed. He wasn't the sweet charming guy I knew before. He was no longer the same guy that had a big heart and could make anyone smile with just one word.

At least that's what he made me want to believe, but I knew Zayn and I knew that deep down he was still that same person. He was still the same guy that appeared dark and dangerous, but was sweetest guy you'd ever meet. He was still just a big teddy bear who only got tough when he wanted to protect the people he cared about. You can't seriously tell me that that Zayn is gone. People don't just change like that, do they?

Zayn was still the same person that kissed me every night and told me how much he loved me. Something like that doesn't just disappear overnight.

Once we arrive at the tower, we enter. Liam is the first one to let out a frustrated growl. I stood near the door, clasping my hands in front of me nervously. I honestly didn't know why I was nervous, but I had a feeling my behavior tonight would be brought up. I know the guys were pissed at me probably, or maybe they understood why I wasn't at my best tonight.

I just didn't have my head on right.

I jump slightly when Liam angrily punches the wall near to the other side of the entrance, creating a hole. Niall's eyes widen and he bites his lip hard to refrain from saying anything that'll piss him off more. Niall always takes destroying his master pieces to the heart.

"Damn it, what the hell happened out there? We were like sitting ducks." Liam exclaims. Louis rubs a hand over his face, letting out a loud groan.

"I don't know Liam, but that bastard's gotten a hell of a lot stronger. Took on all four of us without so much of a sweat, twice." He says.

"Maybe he was wearing that Crystor that he and his crew stole the other day? I heard that thing can heighten your abilities." Niall cuts in. Liam shakes his head, clenching his fists.

"It doesn't matter! What matters is that not only did he kick all our ass by himself, he also did a shit ton of damage to the city." Liam hisses. Everyone goes quiet not knowing how to respond. Liam then turns to face me and I swallow thickly already knowing what's about to come. "And Harry, what happened to you? You were like a dear caught in the headlights." He says.

"I'm sorry.." I murmur. Liam slaps his hands against the back of the couch, making me flinch slightly.

"Sorry, isn't going to fix anything. You can't shut down like Harry, ever. No matter what the situation is. You nearly got your face scorched off. I don't care how you remember Zayn, he's the enemy now and you can't let him hold you back just because you're having a bit of nostalgia." Liam scolds me. I nod my head as I sniffle slightly, tears slip from my eyes. Louis narrows his eyes slightly, before walking over to me and placing an arm over my shoulders gently.

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