chapter twenty six

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I screamed as I felt someone grab me by my feet and drag me from under the bed. I try to claw at the floor but that didn't work in keeping me grounded. I hear Louis' loud laughter as I am pulled fully from under the bed, and flip onto my back to see Louis smirking and saying 'I found you', before he turns around and runs back out the door. I pout and sit up, pushing a fallen strand of hair out of my face. It was just a normal boring day, and since we had nothing else better to do, we all decided to play hide and seek.

The tower was huge so there were so many places to hide. Me being an idiot, decided to hide under the bed, of all places I could have gone. So of course it caused me to be the first one to get caught. I sigh lifting myself off the floor and walking out of my room and towards the first set of stairs in the stairwell. It was the safe base we decided on. I waited here for the other to get back which would probably be a while, if Louis wasn't so lucky in his search. I rest my elbows on my thighs, leaning against the glass.

It's funny how carefree we were, and comfortable in our own home to do these fun activities like old times. It was definitely a stress reliever. It felt like being a kid again, being able to fool around with not a single thought in mind. I smile softly to myself at how well things had turned out. Though I do jump however when someone touches my shoulder as they sit down next down next to me. I look over to see Niall with a pout on his face. I giggle softly at his facial expression. He was like a child who got coal for christmas.

"Awe, he got you too?" I laugh.

"Not funny, I had the best hiding spot in the tower! How'd he find me so fast?" Niall grumbles. I shrug.

"I dunno. Maybe it's a soul mate thing." I snicker. "You know, soul mates always find their way back to one another." I told him. Niall gave me a side ways smile.

"Maybe." He replies softly and leans his head against my shoulder. We sit talking for a while about nothing in particular waiting for the game to finally come to an end. And finally, what felt like forever Louis and Liam finally returned. Liam with a huge smirk and Louis glaring at him. Niall and I raise an eyebrow at the two.

"This asshole had me searching the tower top to bottom only to find him behind the door in the fooking bathroom." Louis growls. Niall and I look at one another before we burst out laughing, Liam joining shortly after. Louis narrows his eyes at all of us before walking to sit on the step in front of Niall and I. Liam sits on the one behind us, leaning forward to rest his chin on top of my head.

"Anybody else craving pizza as much as I am right now?" Niall asks. We all give each other a knowing look, before we know we're all racing out of the tower to the car. Liam takes the driver seat this time, so I sit up front with him while the other two sit back seat. We find ourselves at the Pizza Corner, sitting at the table on the outside. The umbrella at the table blocked most of the sun from our eyes, and the weather felt so nice.

I was wearing black shorts when a white crop top that had little black palm trees printed on it. Black and white converses to match it. My hair was tied back into a bun because I actually wanted it out of my face for once. I say in the chair next to Liam, as we're all engaged in a conversation while we waited for our food to be served. I pick up my glass filled with ice tea and lemon, taking a small sip through the straw humming as the flavor hits my tongue.

Soon our pizzas, with cheesy bread sticks and cookie cake is served to us. I pick up a slice of cheese pizza just about to take a bite into, but someone else beats me to it, taking a huge bite out of my pizza. I gasp and look to my side, my shoulders slumping as I glare at Liam who's chewing furiously. Niall and Louis are snickering at me. I kick Liam in his shin underneath the table and he nearly chokes on the pizza, making a hurt face as he leans down to soothe his now aching shin. I smirk. "Next time you touch my pizza it'll be your nut sack." I say.

"See, this is why you never fuck with anybody's food." Niall tells Liam with the shake of his head, taking a large bite of of his pizza. Louis gives him a look and attempts to touch his food. Niall nearly hisses at him giving him the death glare that could cause anybody to drop dead in under seconds. Louis backs up and holds his hands up in defense.

"Damn, I'm just kidding." I giggle and finally take a bite out of my already half eaten pizza, thanks to big mouth next to me. We all continue to enjoy our food and laugh at Louis' various stupid jokes. We enjoy ourselves in our little clique not worrying about the people around us. Through out the time we sit here, I start to feel really weird. A weird feeling that makes my skin crawl and goosebumps rise to the surface of my skin. I squirm slightly in my seat and rub my arm as I turn my attention away from the guys.

I scan the area only to find nothing. I furrow my eyebrows together in thought, but shake my head returning my attention back to the table zoning in on what was being said. I couldn't concentrate much due to this weird feeling down in the pit of me stomach. What was that? It almost felt like prying eyes. I close my eyes briefly letting out a breath. Rolling my eyes, I snap myself back into reality. Only to hear someone calling my name.

"-you hear what I said?" I hear Liam speak. I blink a few times as I zone back in.


"I asked did you hear what I said?" He asked. I shook my head. "We're gonna head back to the tower now, that okay?" Liam repeats what was said. I nod quickly.

"Oh, yeah yeah that's fine." I reply. Liam raise an eyebrow at me, softly touching my thigh.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, no worries." I tell him as we all begin to stand up from the table. Gathering up the trash and throwing it in the bin, leaving the dishes nicely stacked to make it easier for the waitress to clean. Once that's done, Liam grabs a hold of my hand and pulls me along the sidewalk as we head towards the car. As we walk I look over in no particular direction, catching a glimpse of what seems to be a silhouette standing just in line of view in a slightly lit alleyway across the street. I do a double take, and for a split second I could see a foot disappear from view. Okay what?

I rub my eyes and look straight ahead as we reach the car. I must be tired or something. I'll probably take a nap once we get back. Maybe this weird feeling inside me would soon be gone. Niall drives us back home, so I sit in the back with Liam with my head on his shoulder as I looked out the window. Even though I didn't have that odd feeling of being watched, I still felt slightly off. I try to ignore it the best I could, I didn't need these pointless distractions. That's what messed me up last time. So, for the rest of the day and night, I disclose those thoughts from my mind.

I couldn't help but feel like something was gonna happen.


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