Will buckles on Coralei and Theodore in their car seats and then gets in the passenger seat.

"Who's excited to go to the pumpkin patch?" Will asks the kids.

"Me!" Benji and Coralei yell with big smiles.

"Let's go!" Will says as he films RJ driving and RJ smiles.

After a twenty five minute drive, they are there!

"We are here, guys!" RJ says as he parks the car.

"Yay! I am so excited!" Benji says as he unbuckles himself.

Will puts Theodore in his baby carrier and RJ is holding Coralei.

"Stay over here, bubba." RJ says as Benji walks over to RJ and Will and walks with them.

"Ooo, there's a petting zoo! Let's check it out!" Will says as RJ let's Coralei walk with Benji.

Benji and Coralei hold hands and Will vlogs it.

"Theodore looks so stinking cute with his little hat. Teddy! Hi, bud!" RJ says as Theodore smiles at him.

"There's a wabbit!" Coralei says as she runs over to the rabbits.

"Stay with us, Coralei." Will says softly.

Will, RJ, Coralei, Benji and Theodore walk in the petting zoo.

"Wabbits!" Coralei says making a worker smile.

One of the workers holds a rabbit so Coralei can pet it.

"Be gentle. Gentle, Coralei." RJ says as Coralei pets the rabbit some more.

"This rabbit's name is Thumper and the black one is Roger." The worker says.

Benji pets Roger while Coralei pets Thumper softly as Will vlogs it and RJ takes pictures.

Benji and Coralei then pet the ducks. Benji picks one up and smiles.

"Be careful holding the duck, Benji. Be careful." Will says as Benji sets the duck down.

"He was actually holding a baby swan! We rescued it along with the ducks. We thought it was an ugly duckling." The worker says with a grin.

"Wow, that's so cool!" RJ says as he pets the baby swan.

"Quack quack!" Coralei says as she walks around with the ducks.

"There's chickens right here!" Benji says as he points to the chicken cage.

"See the eggs? There's babies in the eggs!" RJ says and Benji looks at him confused.

"What about the ones we eat? We are eating babies?" Benji asks RJ.

"Those don't have a baby in it. We don't eat babies!" RJ says and Benji sighs in relief.

"A donkey! I wuv donkeys! Dats what Eeyore is!" Coralei says as she walks over to the donkey.

"Stay right here. Don't walk behind the donkey." RJ says to Coralei.

"That is what Eeyore is! That's right. That's what Theodore is going to be for Halloween!" Will says and Theodore babbles happily.

Will let's Theodore pet the donkey and Theodore smiles brightly. Benji and Coralei also pet the donkey and hug it.

"Hi, Eeyore!" Coralei says and Benji giggles.

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