his douchebag boyfriend

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{Phil's POV}

It's the next morning, and I wake up to- an empty bed? So there it is, the sinking realization that he's not my boyfriend. That, we're just friends. 

Friends. Fucking friends. That's all we are. 

"Ugh.. Screw this." I groan, sitting up and grabbing my phone. I refuse to sit in bed and be upset all day. 


-Hey, I'm stuck hanging with Trav.. Sorry. See you later today xx 

I can't believe we're talking about this like it's normal. It's not.  We're having casual conversations about cheating, like its okay. This is the opposite of okay.

Try not to be there all day, I'll miss u too much- 

Ew, are we really being this sappy already? I mean, I said it. Someone end me please. 

-I'll be home in an hour or two, apparently Trav has something to do other then me. 

Ew. TMI. Dan, please-

-ugh I didn't mean it that way. I meant like, other then ugh whatever. 

that's not how it sounded. Plus, it wouldn't surprise me if that's whats going on..-

-oh come on, I'm avoiding that at all costs

-If anything it won't be happening willingly. 

DANYUL. We do not joke about rape, that was not.. no. - 

-I wasn't joking.. And do not spell my name like that u dork

o h - 

yea.. sorry.- 

-it's fine. chill your tits.

my tits are chilled-


ugh come home already- 

-I've only been gone an hour, and you were asleep when I left. 

just woke up actually, but isn't an hour enough???- 

-chill. Wait an hour or something. 

fine but I'm spam texting u in an hour-

- god ur annoying. 

I love you too -

-Love u 



-call me


I click his contact and the line rings. "Hey," I hear his shaky voice mumble. 

"Hey, what's up?"

"Uhm.." He starts, sniffling. "Can you pick me up?"

"Uh, yeah. Why isn't Travis dropping you?" I ask, getting up. 

"Uh.. It's a.. Long story. I'll tell you later."

"Where are you?"

"Actually, I'm only like 5 minutes away, I'll just walk."

"You sure? What's going on?" I ask, getting worried. 

"Yeah. I'll tell you when I get home." 

"Okay, Uh.. I lov-" He hung up the phone. I sit back on the couch, letting the phone drop from my hands. "Love you." I finish the sentence, trying not to be upset. He's probably mad.. He did sound like he was crying.. 

I nervously sit for the next five minutes, letting my mind run wild. I don't get up until I hear the front door slam shut. I rush to the door, seeing Dan leaning against the door, his face buried in his hands. 

"Hey, what's up?" I ask softly, pulling him into a hug. He just lets out a sob, shaking his head. "Oh baby.." I mumble, hugging him a little tighter. We stay like that for a little, until he pulls away, looking down. "Dan?" I ask, attempting to tilt his head up to look at me. He backs up, shaking his head and looking down. "What happened?" 

"Don't be mad.."

"I won't be." I mumble and he reluctantly looks up, biting his lip. My eyes scan over his features. Immediately I notice what he didn't want me seeing. A bruise forming on his right eye, a busted lip and he's bleeding from his forehead. "Dan.. What happened?" I ask, not wanting to assume anything, although I can guess the answer. 

"I.. Left my phone on the counter when I went to the bathroom.. He read the messages I sent you.. He uh.. Did this, and then made me suck him off. He went to his room and I ran off." 

"I'm so sorry." I mutter, pulling him in for a hug. "Are you alright?"

"A little beat up, and emotionally unstable, but I'll be okay." He says with a chuckle, wrapping his arms around me. He comes to a sudden realization, jumping back. "Wait- how am I gonna film videos looking like this?!" 

"Uhm.. Don't?" I say, wondering how long it'll be till a bruise goes away. 

"I can't just not make videos. What about the gaming channel?"


"Like we have any makeup." He scoffs, laughing a little. 

"I don't know what else to tell you. We'll come up with some excuse."

"Like what? I had a fist fight with a door?"

"I mean, maybe." I shrug, laughing a little. 

"I can't say I actually fought anyone, people would freak and find out who could've done it." 

"Stop freaking out. It'll be okay. We'll figure it out." I say, as he shakes his head, giving up. "Really though, are you okay?" 

"Well no. But I will be." He says hopefully, running a hand through his hair. 

A few minutes later he's cleaned up and looking a bit better. I sit in the bathroom, watching him inspect his features. "God I look a mess," he sighs, turning his head to the right. "How am I gonna go out in public?"

"It's not that bad. You could wear an eyepatch." I suggest, smiling up at him. 

"You're a five year old, and that's ridiculous." He laughs, rolling his eyes. "It'll be like two weeks until I start to look a little normal. I'm not going outside until then."

"Like you ever go outside regardlessly." I giggle, tugging on his hoodie. 

"Hm?" He mutters, looking over at me. I make an obnoxious kissy face and he leans down pressing a kiss to my lips. He ends up kneeling next to me as I grab his cheek, actually kissing him. I pull away as someone knocks on the door. 

"I'll get it." I mutter, kissing his cheek and standing up. "Be right back." I rush towards the front door, opening it. I may have forgotten that it's nearly 5.. And it's a possibility that his douchebag boyfriend might just want to show up and beat me senseless. 

As the door opens, I'm greeted with the quite angry face of, none other then, Travis. 


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