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{Phil's POV}

I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about Dan. He didn't bother ever talking to me about that night he came in crying. I just can't bring myself to ask. Tonight, he said he was going out. I don't question it, because its becoming typical of him lately. 

It's nearly 3 in the morning and I've been waiting to see if Dan ever decided to come home. So there he stands, barely, drunk off his ass and smiling at me. "Hey Philly." He giggles, leaning against the doorframe. 

"Hi." I mutter, sitting up and looking at him. "You alright?" I ask warily, noticing him almost fall flat on his face as he tries to stand up straight. 

"I'm doing extra- extrord- ex.. What's that word again?" He slurs sloppily with a chuckle. I can't help but laugh a little, I mean my normally articulate best friend can't even make out the simple word. 

"Extraordinary." I correct him, shaking my head as he stumbles over and sits on my bed.

"Yeah, extra- whatever you said. You get my point." 

"God you are so drunk." I mutter, holding back laughter. 

"I'm not drunk. I'm Dan," He slurs, looking at me with a completely serious face. That was my breaking point. I leaned over, laughing until tears built up in my eyes and I couldn't breathe. "Don't laugh at me. I am not drunk." He frowns, yawning. 

"Yeah, okay," I nod, still giggling. "You should probably go to sleep."

"I'm not tired, I'm-" 

"I know, you're Dan. But still, sleep." I cut him off with a laugh, getting up and dragging him towards his room. 

"Ugh, I don't want to go to sleep. You're like my mom," he sighs, flopping onto his bed. 

"You'll thank me tomorrow." 

"No I won't."

"You're right, you probably won't remember this." I say, shrugging. 

"I will.. I can't forget something that happened just.. Just happened."

"You can when you're this drunk. Now sleep before you get sick." 

"I'm not gonna barf-" He stops, the color draining from his face as he rushes to the bathroom. I shake my head, sitting on his bed and waiting for him to come back. He trudges back in after a few minutes, frowning like a toddler. "My stomach hurts." 

"Well what did you expect, Bear? You can't be drinking like that," I scold, really starting to sound like a parent.

"Don't be mean to me, I'm drunk." 

"Oh, well.. now he admits it," I chuckle. "How much did you drink?"

"Two.." I give him a look. "Five.. Six.." He looks down, sticking his bottom lip out like a whiny 5 year old. 

"M'kay. Sleep, now," I sigh, getting up and attempting to walk out. 

 "Wait. Don't leave me! Cuddles." He insists, making grabby hands my way. 

"Nope. You smell like alcohol, plus you've got a boyfriend," I say bitterly, shaking my head. 

"But you're my best friend."

"Yes I know Angel, but I really don't need your scary boyfriend to be any more upset with me then he already is." I say honestly. I mean the guy does scare me, and he definitely doesn't like me. I don't need him giving me a black eye or something because I cuddled with his boyfriend. 

"He won't care. He's not here. It's just cuddles!" He sits up, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. 

"Dan, quit it. Just sleep." I pull my hand away, standing at the edge of his bed. 

"I'm not sleeping unless you stay with me." He huffs, standing up. 

"Trust me I'd love to stay-"

"Then why don't you?"

"I already told you." I sigh, shaking my head. "And I like you so maybe thats not the best idea right now."

"Well I like you too so come on." He tugs on my hand again, whining. 

"Ugh, not in that way.." I groan, pulling my hand back again. "But you're dating someone, so no way."

"I never said I wanted to be." He pouts, sitting on the edge of his bed. 

"Wait what?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me. "Never mind, you're drunk."

"No. I mean it. He's a meanie." 

"I figured," I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "Please just go to sleep. Its nearly 4 in the morning. If you want, we can pick up this conversation in the morning."

"I dont wanna though." 

"Dan. I swear. If you keep me up any longer.."

"Fine, fine." He huffs, kicking off his shoes. 

"Thank god." I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "How'd you even manage to get home?" 

"A bartender drove me." He mumbles without thought, too caught up in trying to unbutton his shirt. 

"Why didn't Travis?" 

"The bartender took me home after Travis was being mean. She kept saying how it wasn't right.. I can't really remember what she was talking about though." 

"Does Travis ever hurt you?" I ask, before realizing I probably shouldn't be asking that. "Never mind, don't answer that. You're drunk, I'll just ask you later."

"He does. A lot. But he says I should like it so I guess I do." 

"God please don't tell me he's talking about kinky sex." I mutter under my breath, rubbing a hand over my face tiredly. 

"Am I pretty?" He mumbles and I look up for the first in a minute or so, to see him in only boxers. 

"Uh- well- yeah. But uh.. The lack of clothes?"  I mutter, blushing. 

"What? Am I not good looking?"

"Dear god, Howell." I sigh heavily, losing the strength to keep it together. "For god sakes he has a boyfriend, Phil." I whisper to myself, looking up at the ceiling. "Yes Dan, you're gorgeous, now please, bed. Now." I say tiredly, looking back at him.

 God this is really testing my ability to hold it together. He looks absolutely beautiful right now and I just wanna kiss him. Obviously I can't. 

"I'm gonna go to sleep, I guess." He huffs, sitting on the bed. "You're just as pretty for the record." He giggles, as my cheeks heat up. 

"Thank- Thanks. Uh, see you in the morning." I stutter, tripping on my way to the door. 

"Night night, Philly." He whispers, already half asleep. 

"Night." I mumble, turning off the light and trudging towards my room. 

Well, that was quite the experience. My best friend may have just admitted one too many things and its making me question a lot about this boy. I swear, if that new boyfriend of his ever lays a finger on him.. I'm gonna like him a lot less then I do now. 

Something about their relationship really sets me off. I'm not the only one noticing the difference in Dan's behavior either. I just hope whatever it is, that sober Dan is willing to tell me about it. 


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