Chapter 5 (Riri and the boys)

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Nacho :''Here you are my beloved Riri.I thought you'd never have the guts to actually come backstage like i told you''

I was so nervous and nervous and nervous i wanted to just throw up! ''Nacho i dont know why you told me to come here.''

''Dont you like it?''

''Yes..I mean what about other fans? Do you always bring the 'se te olvido quererme 'girl here?

''No.Not really.You are the exception''

''Me? Why?'' i was now shaking

''Cos i may or may not....'' he didnt have time to finish his sentence.Someone interrupted him and it was noone else than Andres!

Andres:''What are you doing to her''?

Nacho: 'Nada.what do you think im doing.I just wanted to 'thank' Riri personally since she always send us many gifs.We own her at least a simple 'thank you'.What did you think i do? Like hitting on her? You are the one who do this stuff Ceballos.Not me! You are the one whos 'playing with girls''

Andres:''Ha! Insulting me dont make ya better in her eyes.Anyway leave the girl alone''

Nacho :''Who are you telling me to do this and that?''

Was i dreaming or Nacho and Andres were fighting over moi?Or they were just messing around?

Nacho :''Riri dont get this jerk seriously.Lets go somewhere we can be alone so i tell you what i want''

Andres:''Quit it like you are some kind of Macho man.Let her go back to her friends''

Stupid Andres,i thought.i was indeed acted like i was out of place but i really liked it.I had a huge interest to hear what my king wanted to tell me.

Nacho didnt pay attention to any of Andres words and grabbed me from my hand and lead me to a corner.Andres was still in the room

Me:''My king....i mean Nacho....what is going on?''

Nacho :''i think ..i think i...'' ''WOAH!''

I threw up..On Nachos shirt!

''DAAAAMN'' Im going to change and come back'' he said without even asking me if i was okay..

But just when he dissapeard from my eyes,i saw Andres approaching me in panic

Andres :''Are ya okay?.Fuck it Nacho''

He sweared

Me: '' wasnt Nacho..I dont know why i threw up.Sorry sorry sorry.Its all my fault''

Andres: ''Its actually MY fault for not coming here earlier.Umm..How can i ask it now without sounding like a pervert?''

Me:''Go ahead!''

Andres:'' We have to take you to the van to clean up yourself and make you some tea or something.....A! And dont worry..the other lads will be there too.''

Me:''Hows that gonna make you pervert?..its not like you will seduce me back there in the van..''

Andres: ''lol''

Why he is always lol-ing at me?

We were now inside the van but seems no one was there yet! I panicked cos i didnt want to be alone with Andres...Come on! I Like him a lot ,but he has one flaw.Yeah even if he seems flawless he has this flaw that turns me off.He is actually like how Nacho described him.He is a player.He sleeps around! I have even read some girls post on internet saying he is an asshole.He may be a good musician but not a good as a person.At least this is what i have read .Earlier i said i could fall for him if it wasnt Nacho but remembering those words coming from girls on internet...that he is not stable in his relationships...Even though his attitude until now was descent.At least better than Nachos who left me alone just to clean himself..Narcissist much?

Gotor VS Ceballos :The Big Fight & How to win Riri's heartМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя