Chapter 1 (Introduction)

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"Come on Riri..Im not gonna wait  forever! Its your wedding.You dont wanna be late" .Athenas voice was so annoying but she was right.I could never be late on MY wedding day..

Weeks earlier......

"Are you drooling over Nacho again?''Athena asked and i looked at her with a dead glare.Athena was my best friend...Something like a sister to me! Her celebrity crush was Abraham Mateo,lets say the spanish version of Justin Bieber.That was what made us actually come close to each other.Our love for Spanish music and spanish flesh..i mean...ughh

''Why dont you reply to me Riri?" Athena continued and i widened my eyes.I hate it every time she speaks like that.She gives me a weird vibe like she is gonna judge my pure love for dont know who Nacho Gotor is? Do you know the band 'Dvicio?' Well he is the guitarist with these big blue mesmerizing eyes.

you dont know who Nacho  Gotor is? Do you know the band 'Dvicio?' Well he is the guitarist with these big blue mesmerizing eyes

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What i liked about him though wasnt his look.It was his passion for playing his guitar.His passion for music,his passion for life!And he did inspire me in many ways and....

''Riri!!!'' Athena shouted loud as ever.

  "Come on Athena What do you want this time?" i sighed ..  

"You are being ridiculous." she said and i continued'' Look whos talking.The pedo''

"Who you calling pedo? i have told you.I made a progress..i got over crushing for 12 years old and moved on to more mature ones"

"Yeah right' i said and i smiled.

''You are smiling ...Interesting" Athena replied "So i guess Real Madrid won that game?...or your cat got pregnant even though he is a a boy? Or could it be you are smiling cos.....Matt Pokora.." I immediately interrupted her. "No,no and no..Basically because you are such a loser...But...i have you a surprise.....

"Quit playing with me Rehaab and spill it out!"

"Okay..I am....i mean... 'we' are going to ...*drum rolls please* Spain!!!!


"What 'e?"'

"WE.ARE GOING.TO.SPAIN. Understando? " Athenas mouth opened a little bit and she stayed like that for over 1 minute.

"But how?"

"I have my connections in know im Queen Riri..I have connections on every side of the planet.Basically an internet friend of mine in Spain bought us tickets for Dvicio concert.We are travelling tomorrow morning.Make sure to pack all your things and..." she interrupted "I I..CANT BELIEVE IT...IS THIS FOR REAL?"

"Of course" I replied and i continued "We are finally going to our own dreamland.Spain...I cant wait'.I own a lot to my internet friend!

In this part of the story,you may think you can predict the future dont you? That by going to Spain im gonna meet Nacho Gotor and he will fall in love with me...But thats not happening anytime soon guys.I have no luck in this kind of things...Athena used to have a crush on him too until she backed off cos like she said 'Sisters before Misters"

I was now in my bedroom packing my clothes when i heard Athena singing "Im gonna meet Abraham Mateo and we gonna marry and have kids and la la la laaa.."

She is such a weirdo i thought.But i was having the same thoughts about me and Nacho all the time.

"REHAAB..I HATE YOU!" Athena shouted and came into my room."What have i done now?" i said and she showed me her favorite pink dress..

"See that ? This is the pink dress of my dreams.And you destroyed it miss Riri"

"OOPS..Sorry i was just experimenting thats all" See guys im a fashion designer and i cant help it.When i see clothes i always love to re design them and put my own personal touch.

"But Riri......I told you to never touch my dress..It was the dress that i was planning to seduce him...and why not get pregnant by him..

" Abraham Mateo?EWW geez you slut'' i said because i have heard this story 100 times now.Athena was always over reacting.She was also a little bit slutty but that didnt stop us for being best friends.See im actually from Tunisia but i moved to Greece since 2015.I 'met' Athena thanks to the power of internet and we live together since then.Athenas a little bit jealous of me though since i have a successful career that i love and she has basically nothing.She still tries to figure out about her life..Once she was so desperate that she said she is gonna work in a strip club! If my people knew her the way i know her they would prevent me from hanging out with her.My people are kind of strict.Their dream is to see me getting married with a good guy/Good and rich..Especially rich..They contacted me with many guys but you already know that my heart belongs to him.....You know who...

Gotor VS Ceballos :The Big Fight & How to win Riri's heartWhere stories live. Discover now