Chapter 3 (The concert)

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''Justo ahora que empiezo a quererte te desapareces...justo cuanto tu eras el motor para mi depertaar......Justo a timepo para reprocharte que no me mereces..aunque muera por las ganas de volver a caminar..junto a ti..''

DAMN MY LUCK! I said angrily.The concert has already started! Andres was in the middle of 'Justo Ahora'.My whole body started sweating.I was afraid that i wont make it to the stage.But i did! Thankfully my seat at the 3rd line was empty!When i arrived there...God...huh..i cant...this is too much....*biting my lips*.oh my.Im here!!! Im here..IM HERE! I can see them clearly! Missis with his guitar....Right is Martin with his bass...I can even see Luis back with his drums....BUT WHERE THE HECK ARE NACHO AND ANDRES! See,as soon as Andres finished singing 'Justo Ahora' he disappeared so i didnt have the chance to see him from close.And Nacho? Where is he?

''He is probably making out with a chick '' Athena said and i gave her again my death glare since her 'joke' wasnt funny at all! ''I meant..he is probably at the toilet''Athena tried to save the situation.

The minutes passed and i started losing my patience since both Nacho and Andres havent appeared yet.The crowd was full of crazy teen girls and more mature ladies who were all united for one reason: To make it and 'drink' spanish blood as in sleeping with the Dvicio members.''Groupies'' i sighed .Oh i almost forgot.My friend's somewhere here..How am i gonna find her though?Just when i finished my thought i got a notification for a new message.It was from HER! She said 'sorry' and i was gonna reply back when i heard girls screaming so loudly like they were possessed from an evil spirit or something.

Andres was now on the stage almost in front of me!!!!! I was in shock! OMG!!!! WOW!!!! His eyes,his jawline,his cute little nose..He was wearing black skinny jeans and a leather jacket .His skin was flawless..he was taller than i expected..He looked like a Pablo Picasso's painting and...

Andres:''Sorry..We had some technical issues but now...'' He havent completed his sentence and looked down to the crowd...A girl was making some air with her hand-it wasnt hot though at all! Another one was pinching the cheek of her friend so she realize she had the real Andres in front of her...and me? i stayed in silence...when i noticed Andres giving me a glare...

He then immediately looked away so i said it was just my imagination and only

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He then immediately looked away so i said it was just my imagination and only..''You became red like a tomato''. Athena said,but im sure Andres must have looked that cute girl in front of me.I dont know who she is but she is really pretty and i got carried away..At the same time i started searching with my eye to see if i can find my internet friend.The girl on my left...nah....she is kind of creepy to be my friend.The girl in the corner? mmm i will keep my eye on her.Could it be she is just playing with me? Could it be she decided not to reveal herself.Could it be she didnt even come to the concert? Millions of thoughts were running through my mind when...

*screaming and screaming and more screaming*

I turned my head up to see a wild Nacho appears on stage and that moment i thought i would die.If this is a dream then i dont wanna wake up..My heart started beating faster and faster and i thought i was going to lose my balance and fall on the ground.Athena was looking with amazement .Could it be her feelings for Nacho have returned?

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