Chapter 2 (The trip and the mystery girl)

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"Sólo dame un beso, beso..y esta noche quiero beso,besooooo,es nustero secreto, amooor"I love this song! it IS my favorite along with 'Se te olvido quererme'

We are finally at the airport ready to get into our flight! I smiled and put my headphones listening to Andres dreamy voice.Andres is Dvicios lead singer and he has a huge talent.I like to call him my idiot..since most of the times he acts goofy.At least this is what i get from him by watching his videos on internet.Anyway...I also like the rest of the band,Luis,Missis and Martin and i think these dudes are hella fine!

Athena:"So when are we meeting with your internet friend? I have to hug her for buying us these dvicio tickets for their concert

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Athena:"So when are we meeting with your internet friend? I have to hug her for buying us these dvicio tickets for their concert..Do you know if she can buy me tickets for Abrah....."

Me:" She doesnt want me to meet her...."

Athena:"ee? why?"

Me:" i dont know...She is so strange but i would give anything to meet her and thank her.Besides she knows things about me that noone knows..Not even you."

Athena:"The heck? whats so special about her? And what do YOU know about HER?"

Me:"not much..Only that she lives in Madrid and she is into music..Her job has something to do with music and stuff...i really...i really dont know anything else about her"

Athena:"What if 'she' is a 'he'? and he is some kind of pedophile?"

Me:" The only pedophile is you here my dear Athena...and positive she is a girl since we have discussed about our periods haha"

Our small conversation ended up here and i decided to take a nap.I dreamed of meeting Dvicio and becoming their friend and i woke up believing it was reality but Athena made sure to remind me that i was dreaming and that would be really hard to get close to them since they are a well known band and bla bla bla.I mean its not like they are like The Beatles.I believe they are easily approachable and i was planning to get to tell them at least 'thank you' for inspiring me with their music..And im positive that one day they gonna have their own star in Hollywood's Hall of fame! But until the whole world find out about their existence i will say 'more for me' muahaha


The hours passed and we arrived finally at the spanish airport! The time i put my foot there i had to bow down and kiss the spanish ground! I was more than happy.I was finally in my own disneyland even though something was holding me back to let myself fully enjoy the whole thing...I cant explain what is it but whatever it is....i want it to go away..I m in Spain and im planning to have the time of my life !!!!

We were about to get a taxi to take us to our hotel,i put my headphones on again and listened to the epic 'Enamorate'.But Athena realized i was kind of worried and asked the reason....I had no answer but we figured out i must have been in such a weird mood because i was gonna meet Dvicio and especially Nacho."yeah you are even convinced you gonna start a relationship by the time he sees not gonna happen.Sorry Riri but just because he noticed you on internet doesnt mean he has feelings..even though he is single ready to mingle haha" Athena said and i swear she is the most rude person i have ever met!


And voila!!!! We are finally in our hotel .I jumped on my bed and let out a huge sigh.I couldnt believe i was actually here and that tonight we were going to Dvicio concert! I was planning to wear my best outfit designed of course by me!

"Earth is calling Athena " i said cos she looked like she was out of space.. "Are you okay?''i continued and she replied by saying she must have been like this because of the jet lag even though we only have 1 hour difference with Spain! lol That girl...I wonder why the therapist she goes havent diagnosed her as a psycho yet.

We then sat down and Looked how beautiful Madrid was from our hotels window view.Then in my mind came my internet best friend...Why she bought me the tickets? Why she bothered buying them if she is not planning meeting with me? Is she shy? Could it be she has some disability and she is ashamed of me seeing her like that?..But on the other hand...I thought we had some connection..theres no need for her to act shy in front of me.

Oh just got an email..''Are ya ready for tonight?" It was HER! My mysterious internet friend contacted me asking for lets reply." Of course.Besides, im going to capture Nachos heart tonight! Wish you were there.." "I will be " ''WHAT? Are you joking? " ''No.." ''Then will you meet me?" ''Probably" "OMG! Im so happy! And to think for a moment i thought you were some kind of twisted weirdo lol" "Hmm..see ya tonight"

Athena:" Riri look..Dvicio updated their twitter.They say about tonights concert ..

Me: ''yayy.."

Athena:" you dont sound excited"

Me:"No i am very excited..its just my internet friend said i will meet her tonight at the concert.But how am i gonna recognize her.I dont even know how she looks like"

Athena:"You have never seen a pic of her?"

Me:"She didnt even reveal her i know she is a kind and honest girl since she gives me really great advices on many issues.The way she writes though..Reminds me of someone...i just dont know who......."

Athena :"Interesting."

The night has arrived and me and Athena were almost ready for the concert.Our seats were in the 3rd line and we were more than happy since we were pretty close to the stage...We were ready to go down to the lobby when i got a notification on my instagram.

From Dvicio_Nacho : I cant wait to meet you tonight <3

EE??? Is this even real or am i starring in a fanfic? My king actually sent me a message? Of course he knew about my arrival in Madrid since i always spammed him with private messages and .I was more than happy that my celebrity crush messaged me..But he probably have sent the same message to all the know....maybe Franklin told them to act kind to their fans..for the public's eyes.

'Hey Athena,look,my king has sent me a message let me........' oh....wait.someones sent me another message "I cant wait for tonight.Its gonna be epic im telling ya" ''I know but how am i gonna recognize you?"....What..? She went offline? What a timing though.She messaged me right after Nacho sent me his message..But come to think of it...I know one more thing about her.She loves Andres since she always sends me videos and pics of him.Poor girl..she is kind of obsessed if you ask me.But i dont blame her. Andresito is such a lovable guy.If it wasnt for Nacho,i would fall for him too.OOPS.


And the moment i was waiting all this time and all my life has finally came! We were now inside the taxi ,going to where the place of the concert was located.....When we arrived i.............

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